because I sympathized with the main character and seeing him succeed made
me happy, I liked this film because of the beautiful images shown of Kenya and
of the Kenyan culture and I liked this film because of the sweet and enthusiastic
Like I said, I wasn’t only entertained by this film. I was also shocked. What
shocked me the most is the fact that before I watched this film, I had never
heard of the Mau Mau Conflict before. The images about the Mau Mau Conflict
shown in this film are equally, if not more, cruel than images I have seen about
the Second World War. However, everybody knows about the Second World War
but I doubt whether there
are more than ten people
in the Netherlands who
have heard of the Mau
Mau Conflict. Of course
the Second World War
had a lot more influence
on the entire world, but it
still shocks me that such
a cruel and also
important conflict remains unspoken of and unknown to many. The images also
shocked me because I live in a very different time and environment and have
never experienced anything like war, luckily.