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• Post your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence
CJS 240 Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response
• Resource : pp . 47-80 of Juvenile Delinquency : The Core .
• Write a 500- to 750-word paper explaining why some adolescents are motivated to commit crimes while others in similar circumstances are not . Support your explanation by applying at least two of the following individual theories of delinquency : o Routine activities theory o General deterrence theory o Specific deterrence theory o Biochemical theory o Neurological theory o Genetic theory o Psychodynamic theory o Behavioral theory o Cognitive theory
• Format your paper according to APA standards .
• Cite at least two sources to support your explanation .

• Post your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence


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1 . CheckPoint : Delinquency Deterrence Response
• Write a 300- to 350-word response explaining how the threat of punishment does or does not deter juvenile delinquency . Provide examples of general deterrence , specific deterrence , and situational crime prevention strategies . Additionally , identify which concepts of deterrence you believe offer the best method for controlling juvenile crime . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CJS 240 Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response