Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 65

CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 PROJECTS 65 DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF RAINWATER HARVESTING IN KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY BOYS HOSTEL (KUBH) Group Members: Shaurav Adhikari, Samrit Dumre, Komal Thapa, Siddhant Pandey, Rabindra Karmacharya, Suman GC Supervisor: Er. Manish Prakash Rainwater Harvesting System can be one of the alternatives to solve the problem related to water scarcity prevailing in the KU boys’ hostel. Dhulikhel receives an annual precipitation of 1711mm and hence 1.5 million liters of water can be collected annually (approximately 40% of water demand) in the hostel by implementing this project. While constructing the model, the hostel building was reduced to a scale of 1:60. Various components of rain water harvesting such as roof catchment, ground catchment, gutter, conduits, reservoirs, fi rst fl ush and fi ltration unit were demonstrated in this model. Besides these, the working model of fi rst fl ush was also built up. DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF KOTESWOR SKYLINE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Group Members: Nitesh Adhikari, Sailesh Mishra, Raphim Shrestha, Ben Subedi, Payal Thakur, Niranjan Upreti Supervisor: Er. Vimesh Paudel Pedestrians and bikers are accustomed to sharing the road and battling automotive traffi c, but this proposition becomes trickier and often more dangerous, when it comes to crossing a major thoroughfare or a water body. A pedestrian bridge, also known as a footbridge,provides a safe mode of passage for the pedestrians. This project was based on construction of demonstrative model of Koteshwor skyline pedestrian bridge. The model was constructed on a distorted scale using plywood, cardboard, thread and nails. DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF RUPA BEGNAS PUMPED STORAGE HYDROPOWER PLANT Group Members: Safal Timilsena, Gokarna Bhatta, Nitish Shah, Ajay Mahato, Santosh Kumar Mahato, Prakash Sharma Supervisor: Er. Santosh Chaudhary Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant is a type of hydroelectric energy plant which stores energy in the form of gravitational potential energy of water, pumped from a lower elevation reservoir to a higher elevation. During periods of high electrical demand, the stored water is released through turbines to produce electric power. Begnas and Rupa Lake, located in Kaski district represent the upper and the lower reservoir respectively in this project model. Reservoir, tunnel alignment with Francis turbine and model of powerhouse, suitable power transmission line and terraces around the project area were demonstrated. A reduced scale of 1:5000 was used.