Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 64

64 PROJECTS CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 FIRST-YEAR PROJECTS (BATCH OF 2017) DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF HOVENRING BRIDGE Group Members: Sachin Dhakal, Prerana Shrestha, Shohail Seikh, Robin Shah, Anup Subedi, Dipsan Subedi Supervisor: Er. Kameshwar Sahani Hovenring Bridge is a circular cable-stayed cyclist roundabout situated in the Netherlands. It is a skyway bridge that allows easy passage for cyclists over the traffi c. A demonstrative model of the bridge was constructed on a plywood base using wood, PVC pipe, thermocol, iron rods and threads. The model was constructed on a distorted scale due to large variations in size of its components. Plywood was used to demonstrate the ramps and curves. The circular deck is supported by the central pylon using 24 cables as that of the original bridge. DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF BRICK BONDS Group Members: Arbin KC, Pradip Khadka, Ujjal Khadka, Santosh Khatri, Aakash Shrestha, Sumiran Shrestha Supervisor: Er. Nitesh Shrestha Brick bonding is the arrangement of bricks in structure such as walls or column. They can be laid in various patterns, thus giving rise to several bonds. These brick bonding patterns distribute loads throughout the structure and ensure stability. In this project, Stretcher bond, Header bond, English bond, Flemish bond and Rat Trap bond were shown. The paving bricks generally known as ‘tell bricks’ were used for the representation of the fi rst class bricks of standard dimension in Nepal (240mm×115m×57mm). A reduced scale of 1:3 was used to represent the brick in model. As the binding agent, cement-sand (1:3) mortar mixture was used. MODELS OF ISOLATED AND PILE FOUNDATION Group Members: Shrijan Dhakal, Manoj Shrestha, Eshan Dahal, Sabin Timalsina, Aashish Prasad Khanal, Rijal Shah Supervisor: Er. Ramesh Adhikari This project involved the construction of models of an isolated and a pile foundation. The model of isolated foundation is a working model, whereas that of pile foundation is a demonstrative one. The isolated foundation, with proper calculations, was reduced to a scale of 1:5. The pile foundation was reduced using distorted scale. Reinforced Concrete was used for construction of isolated foundation. For the construction of the pile foundation, materials like PVC pipe, and glasses were used. Pile Foundation Isolated Foundation