City Services Satisfaction Survey 2019 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 24

Parks and Recreation Facilities  Used Parks and Recreation Facilities in Past 12 Months February 2019 February 2020 69% 70% Excellent Previous Wave (Feb. 2019) Good Top‐2 Box Top‐2 Box Overall Quality of Parks 31% 54% Quality/Appearance of Facilities and Centers 31% 51% 82% 84% Quality of Customer Service 31% 50% 81% 82% Quality of Programs/Classes 31% 49% 79% 83% Range of Activities 33% 44% 0% Questions:      Copyright © 2020 Decision Analyst  Base:                Statistical Note: 20% 40% 60% 85% 82% 77% 80% 87% 100% Q11e. If you have used a city park or facility over the past 12 months, what was the nature of the service? Q12a. Now, thinking about the Arlington Parks and Recreation facilities, please rate each of the following. (4‐point scale, Excellent to Poor) Respondents who have used City Parks or Facilities in the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” (number varies by statement) An arrow indicates a significant increase (↑) or decrease (↓) at or above the 95% confidence level when compared to the previous wave.  24