City Services Satisfaction Survey 2006 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 7
Usage and Perceptions of Services
Services reportedly used most by Arlington residents were police (35% of citizens
had contact with police), the city website (29%), 911 call center (28%), and the
Parks & Recreation department (23%).
• Residents with contact of city services rate those services from a high of 96% for fire
services to a low of 40% for City Manager’s Office.
Recreation Facilities. Although both are declining, city parks and libraries continue to
be the city facilities most widely used by residents while the tennis center is the least
used city facility.
Users perceive the overall quality of recreation and library facilities very positively. City
parks, recreation centers, and libraries are rated particularly high on quality.
Miscellaneous Facilities or Services:
Curbside Recycling. Slightly less than half of residents (47%) report that they have
used curbside recycling in the past 12 months, which shows a steady downtrend from
Arlington Landfill. Reported use of Arlington landfill continues to be relatively low
(20%), while the overall quality is viewed positively among residents who have visited
or used the facility.
Arlington Animal Services Center. Reported use remains relatively low (19%),
although the overall quality rating of the animal services center is rated high.
Arlington Convention Center.
Reported use remains low (18%). Virtually all
residents who have visited or used the center rate the overall quality very high.
Arlington Municipal Court. Reported use continues to be low (14%). Residents
who have visited the Arlington Municipal Court in the past 12 months continue to see
some need for improvement with regard to overall performance, courtesy and
attentiveness of employees, and ability to complete business on the first trip, and see
much need for improvement with regard to length of wait.
Decision Analyst, Inc.