Finding New Ways to Share Budget Insights
Office of Management and Budget
Throughout the year , City Council and staff pay close attention to the priorities , needs and feedback residents provide . That input plays a significant role in how the City ’ s budget is put together every year .
The Office of Management and Budget is committed to helping residents understand how their taxes are used to provide vital services to the community . In 2023 , OMB added a new tool that provides residents with an unofficial , itemized receipt showcasing how the City of Port St . Lucie spends tax dollars .
The Balancing Act ’ s Tax Receipt Tool offers a transparent breakdown of programs and services supported by residents ’ municipal tax contributions , ensuring transparency and accountability in public spending . By simply entering a property ’ s taxable value , the tool will show what the owner spends on the City ’ s portion of their tax bill and where the money is spent . Residents can access this tool at www . CityofPSL . com / taxes
OMB takes the same collaborative information-sharing approach within City Hall as well . This year OMB instituted a quarterly forum with City departments to offer guidance on procurement policies and industry best practices . By sharing data and decision-making strategies , OMB is helping departments implement the best possible purchasing practices .
32 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report
40 %
The number of formal procurements submitted to City Council for approval .
The consecutive number of years the millage rate has been reduced .
Percentage of the City ’ s long-term debt has been reduced the past 14 years .