City Manger's Annual Report 2023 | Page 31

Providing Innovation Tools

IT Department
While the City of Port St . Lucie ’ s IT Department does not typically engage directly with the public , it plays a critical role in supporting the City ’ s efforts for data usage and innovation through technology .
Throughout 2023 , IT worked with departments to develop customized dashboards that can provide nearly real-time data . This helps departments in planning and developing initiatives , while optimizing their operational efficiencies .
As an example of how these tools can be used , this year the IT Department introduced a paperless purchase request system that improves the City ’ s technology procurement . The system has streamlined the entire process , ensuring requested items are inputted promptly . The journey from initial requisition to deployment is meticulously tracked with an audit trail of approvals every step of the way to ensure accountability .
Working collaboratively with departments across the City , IT is helping to provide the tools that make innovation and datainformed decisions possible .

33 %

The percentage increase in how many systems IT supports from 2019 / 2020 to 2022 / 23 .


The number of support requests IT received in 2022 / 23 .
2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report | 31