Driving Toward Improved Roads and Sidewalks
Public Works
Significant ongoing road projects along major corridors like the southern portion of Port St . Lucie Boulevard , Floresta Drive and the Torino Parkway roundabout and turn lane are designed to significantly enhance accessibility and convenience once completed .
Phase 1 of the Floresta Drive project , from Southbend Boulevard to the Elkcam Bridge , has been successfully completed . The second phase , extending from the Elkcam Bridge to Crosstown Parkway , is currently in progress and is expected to be complete by the end of 2024 .
Another significant project currently in progress is the expansion of Port St . Lucie Boulevard South , with construction underway on two segments that will widen the roadway to four lanes . In the coming years , these improvements will extend down to Becker Road , offering relief from traffic congestion in the southern part of the City . The two segments are scheduled to finish by summer 2024 .
Two other noteworthy projects are currently in progress : the extensions of Becker Road and Crosstown Parkway west to Range Line Road . These road projects , which are being paid for by developers , are creating two vital east-west connections in Port St . Lucie , addressing the city ’ s growing infrastructure needs ahead of schedule .
In addition to the upcoming road expansion projects , our ongoing commitment includes the continuous expansion of sidewalks , with 5.81 miles added across the City in the past year alone . Responding to residents ’ feedback on the importance of wellmaintained roads , Public Works also has made significant strides in repaving , covering 46.75 miles of roads this year .
The Public Works Department maintains :
916 centerline miles , which equals a trip from Key West to Dunn , North Carolina , on Interstate 95 .
260Total miles of sidewalk . The
Public Works Department engaged with local students to name the City ’ s new mini street sweeper . The winner : Sweep Caroline !
2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report | 19