New Tools Help Build for the Future
Public Works
As the City has grown through the years , the Public Works Department has worked hard at creating new infrastructure while maintaining existing resources . Data and innovation play a vital role in ensuring the City has environmentally and economically sound infrastructure , while providing residents the services they need .
To help accomplish those objectives , Public Works began using two new digital tools in 2023 .
• UrbanSDK is a software platform that shows traffic speeds and volumes citywide . The information supports the City ’ s traffic operations team in identifying areas of congestion to support proper management , traffic-calming solutions and future road safety planning . The technology will allow staff to access data quickly , rather than having to manually obtain the data , increasing department efficiency . The information will be used as a quick check to determine if additional analysis is needed .
• TraveliQ is a software program that can notify the public of road closures or incidents that might require rerouting . The tool is available to a wide network of users , including the Florida Department of Transportation , and will be available on the City ’ s website for the public to access in 2024 .
The department also performed an asset collection survey in conjunction with its pavement condition monitoring program . Every roadway in the City was reviewed to identify the locations of signs , road markings , crosswalks and other features .
Photographs were taken and ground penetrating studies were performed , providing critical data that allows Public Works staff to better monitor the conditions of signs and markings , to assist in maintenance activity planning and scheduling . The asset collection reduces staff time that would be required for onsite inspections , helping improve efficiencies .
18 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report