City Manger's Annual Report 2023 | Page 20

Measuring Performance in Meeting Commitments

Office of Solid Waste
The City of Port St . Lucie is committed to providing efficient , effective and sustainable solid waste services . To ensure those commitments are being met , the City is constantly gathering information to monitor how things are going with our contracted waste hauler and how we can help ensure consistent and reliable service for 86,790 homeowners .
The department was created in conjunction with City Council , City staff and stakeholders to be reliable and efficient . As Port St . Lucie continues to grow , creating an additional need for solid waste resources , data and innovation will play an ongoing role in making sure the City provides the best and most sustainable possible services to our residents .
In 2023 , that included implementation of an exclusive solid waste queue to handle calls from residents regarding any solid waste issues . This provides important data to review the performance of our franchised trash hauler and ensures residents are getting the proper service . It also allows us to proactively identify trends that can assist in improving our efforts or discover public education topics that can help residents better understand the services offered .
Mixed Solid Waste ( MSW )
Solid Waste Collection
FCC Environmental Services Florida became the City ’ s solid waste provider in September 2022 . The graph below shows the total amount of solid waste collected by FCC in Port St . Lucie from September 2022 through November 2023 .
The Office of Solid Waste also added a handheld scanner at the Port St . Lucie Convenient Drop-Off Center , which gives staff insights about who ’ s using the facility and what types of services they require .
Special Waste
Construction Debris ( C / D )
Total ( pounds )
Mixed Solid Waste ( MSW )
Special Waste
Construction Debris ( C / D )
Grand Total
20 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report