issue 37 working_Layout 1 11/1/2013 1:17 PM Page 18
A very big announcement from Cider
Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Brian Joy ...
First, a thank you. A thank
you to all of the amazing people
that are involved in the VT and NH
Music scene.. you have made the
past three years of my life incredibly satisfying, and as hard as it has
been to make this decision, I believe I am making the right one.
For those of you who don’t
know this, my son Greyson was recently diagnosed with Autism. At
only two years old, he has a long
road ahead of him but a road that
his mother and I are determined to
make as happy and healthy as
possible. One of the most important things in an autistic world is
the time and attention of the people he trusts most, his parents and
Cider Magazine was, and still
is, an amazing journey. But it also
is an incredibly demanding one.
As Publisher and Editor and Chief I
have strived to always put out a
quality, unique, and thorough product each and every month. With
the responsibilities of an office
manager, marketing consultant,
Editor and many other hats.. the
demand on my time is immense. I
attempted to move my office to my
PG 18
home to allow me more time with
my family, but unfortunately that
experiment simply proved to me
that my priorities needed to
About a month ago, a very interesting opportunity presented itself. A new job, a new location,
and a drastically reduced demand
on my time stood before me as an
option. An option that honestly I
never thought I would consider.
But my son changed that, and I
have decided to accept.
My family and I are headed
west to Nevada. My new position
will allow me the freedom I need to
concentrate on the things that matter most.
Leaving the day to day operations of Cider Magazine was an
incredibly difficult choice. The
friendships I have developed here
through this business will be
greatly missed and the opportunity
to be a part of this awesome music
scene will leave a hole in me that I
will have to figure out how to fill.
So what about Cider Mag?
Well, I?leave it in very capable
hands. I am very pleased and
proud to announce that our staff
writer since issue 3, Joe Milliken,
will be taking over as Managing
Editor of Cider Mag, effective this
So what happens to Cider?
At first, it was going up for sale.
But I had a hard time with the decision, not knowing what direction a
buyer would take it.
There are very few that I
feel comfortable leaving what
Chris and I have built, and I am
very glad to say that we are excited about what Joe can bring to
the table and what direction he will
take Cider Mag.
I?will continue to be the magazine and website’s publisher and
still be involved as Joe needs me,
but the reigns are now his and it is
with the greatest of confidence
that I hand them over.
Cider started out as a joking
idea one night between friends,
and has spawned into a living,
breathing, evolving member of the
entertainment community. It has
been my honor to help artists
around VT and NH find the spotlight they so richly deserve and I
hope that you will continue to support what we do. The great artists
of these communities deserve
something like Cider Mag, and to
be the person who “flipped the
switch” to show that to the world is
a compliment that I will hold dearly
for the rest of my life.