issue 37 working_Layout 1 11/1/2013 1:17 PM Page 19
Now don’t go getting all
mushy on me.. You aren’t getting
rid of me completely!
I am very happy to say that
as part of my responsibilities with
the magazine and website, I will
stay on as producer and writer of
the 3rd Annual Cider Awards. I
hope to see as many familiar faces
as possible when I return as well
as many new ones.
Cider has allowed me to take
this next step in my journey
through life and something tells
me you guys will be just fine without me. Please keep doing what
you are doing. Go to shows, go to
Open Mics, support your local
scenes and never stop believing
that one person, one ticket, one
voice can make a difference.
Being from a small town or rural
community does not mean you
don’t have a chance to make it in
this industry. It simply means you
have to work a little harder. Remember, obstacles are those
frightful things we see when we
take our eyes off our dreams.
Keep dreaming, and keep playing.
I sign off with this note to the
fans of Cider Mag as my last piece
as Editor, and hand the torch off to
a person who bleeds heavy for the
local scene. Please keep it going,
and I can’t wait to see you all
again sometime down the road.
Signing off for the
final time as
Editor and Chief...
Brian Joy
Introducing our new
Managing Editor, Joe
“The Jock of Rock” Milliken
When I first met Joe
Milliken, I was more than
impressed with not ?H\????Y?H?H??[[???][?[]\?X???[?K?]\?\??[???]?H?[YH?Y\?XY?Y?\?H?\??\??YB?]H??Y]?[??ZY8?'H?[????HH\??\?[??????'B???H\?\?\??[?]K[??\??]?[??H??\??[\?]?[?H?[?[??H??[???[??[??]?\?[???H?[[????[[?\?Z[?\???[?H??Y?[?H\??]?]H?X??H?Y?X[???H?????[???H?\?Y?][?????Y\?H?[?Y?[????]H\??H?????[?]\?X?[?\?H??????????\???????B??^?[????H\?][?X??]??[?\???[????\?[?\??\?[?Y[X?\????H[?\?Z[?Y[???[][?]K??H\??Y[?H8?'??]??'B???\??[\???\??\??Y?Y[??[?\???]]?H]]YH[??\?\?H??HH?\?H?[??B??[?H??YY?H\?X?H\H?]?X[?Y?[??Y]????Y\?\?X??H?]?B??X?H\???XY[??H?^B????[??[?H??H??[[?B?]?H?H???Y\???[?[?[?H?[?[?H?]\?K???