Cider Mag August 2013 | Page 36

issue 34 working_Layout 1 8/7/2013 11:45 AM Page 36 instrumental solo, relaxed and aware, fluid but mechanic, prepared for the next move but somehow unaware of the one after. But perhaps I'm becoming a little too philosophical, and I don't aka want to drag on without some Tom pudding. Noonan I have lived in the North East for my entire life, and in New England for almost all of it, and let me tell you.. We have some damn good Hip-Hop of a high quality, just like everything else we I was asked to introduce my-self, and I produce. The list of legends goes will. But what you need to know about at this on when you hit Boston or NYC, very moment is more about what is important but I would like to lean towards to me then it is about my profile. It’s about the the legends of the past, and to be music. What is most important to know about from the twin states, although I me is how much I really, truly, deeply love may venture out of state lines Hip-Hop. Out of all the musical jolts I have from time to time. I will feature received in my relatively few years floating local artists who I am a fan of, I through nothingness on this large rock we call will feature artists who are friends, earth; none have moved my soul like hip-hop Ill give you reports on great has. Everyone has experienced that feeling I'm shows, great festivals, great describing, movement of the soul. The one you albums, and I'll open up a feel when you find that perfect song that rocks window into the on goings of our you to your very core, makes your hairs stand underground Hip-Hop on end, and makes you want to scream, cry, community. I will begin all this by and laugh at the same time. Yes? Well I (and introducing my latest favorite you I would assume) have enjoyed that feeling Purple Drank. numerous times, from many forms of music. But in this case my connection with Hip-Hop flows more fluidly than any other genre. For instance The Roots- Act Too is guaranteed to get my heartbeat elevated EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear it. (and now.. of course, I must listen to it). I really hope the readers of Cider Mag also share this connection with Hip-Hop, and for those who don't.. I hope to show you photo: BVTPHOTOS how you might. One thing to consider is Hip-Hop can Picture a Funky/Hip Hop/ R&B/ transcend into any form of music, even country, Suave/High Character cocktail that Yes.. I said country. You can sample any sound can move you with their own brand, you can hear, and you can rap over any beat, or have you joining in with classics or even sometimes without one if you new and old, and there you have prefer acapella. Now Free-styling (inventing Purple Drank! They are lead by rhyming lyrics as you flow) is something spetwo Burlington heavyweights, DJ cial, and not everyone can do it unless they Dakota (vocals/turntables) and practice, like any other instrument. The only Manus (vocals). Both highly thing I can compare it to is a spontaneous experienced emcee, they are confi Purple Drank Breakin it with T-Noonz w Do n dent veterans on the mic, and can conduct an entire show without a dull moment. This group is versatile, these two can perform on their own (with DJ Dakota on the turn tables) or backed with A highly skilled band of musicians. While fully loaded, they are bolstered by members of The Grippo Funk Band, Dr. Ruckus, and Kat Wright and the Indomitable Soul Band with Max Bronstein- (Guitar), Giovanni Rovetto- (Bass), Mike Fried (Keys), Dan Ryan (Drums), and Daiki Hirano (Percussion). I have been lucky enough to attend a few shows of theirs, and I have been photo: BVTPHOTOS highly entertained each time. Purple Drank has an extensive list of songs in their arsenal, and will surprise you with their variety and ability to perform so many different styles of music to such high standards. They pump out enough funky positive energy to get a wallflower to peel themselves off the plaster and get loose on the dance floor.