Ciao Oct/Nov 2017 CIAO_OctNov2017_Digital | Page 18

inthekitchen Napolitana Pizza (12”) For Alfonso’s tomato sauce recipe see EXQUISITE TEAS AND CRAFT ROASTED COFFEE BEAUTIFUL AFFORDABLE LUXURIES Perfect for gift giving and souvenirs Ordering online is easy. Why not order locally? We’re happy to deliver with free shipping on orders over $100.00. 204-489-5460 WWW.CORNELIABEAN.COM Rubia Darya Traditional Woven Art Unique hand-woven rugs & carpets 102-132 James Avenue 204.223.5177 16 ciao! / oct/nov / two thousand seventeen INGREDIENTS 1 ball of dough (approx. 250 g) tomato sauce 6 ham slices 1 cup mozzarella 3-5 tomatoes, sliced 1 Tbsp crushed garlic oregano extra virgin olive oil PREPARATION: 1. Preheat oven to 500°F. 2. Roll out dough to fi t 12” pan. 3. Spread the tomato sauce on the dough. 4. Add the ham slices. Make sure the tomato sauce is touching the ham to avoid dry or burnt ham. 5. Add mozzarella. 6. Top the pizza with tomato slices, oregano and drizzle of oil. 7. Bake for 8 mins or until cheese is melted evenly and completely. Summertime Pizza (12”) INGREDIENTS 1 ball of dough (approx. 250 g) 1/2 cup fi g jam 3 Tbsp ricotta cheese 6 slices brie cheese 2 Tbsp goat cheese 3 prosciutto slices 6 fi g slices roasted and salted pumpkin seeds roasted and salted sunfl ower seeds micro arugula METHOD 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. Roll out dough to fi t 12” pan. 3. In a food processor, mix fi g jam, salt, pepper, garlic, and water to create a spreadable ‘pesto’. 4. Spread the fi g pesto, then add ricotta cheese to the base. 5. Add brie and prosciutto slices. 6. Crown with goat cheese. 7. Add fi g slices evenly. 8. Bake for approx. 12 mins. 9. Finish with seeds and micro arugula. ,QIXVH\RXUQH[WSDUW\ ZLWKÀDYRXU %RRNDSULYDWHWDVWLQJHYHQW DWRQHRIRXUORFDWLRQV &RU\GRQ$YH 6W0DU\¶V5G IUHVFROLRFD 2SHQ7XHVGD\WKURXJK6XQGD\