Garrison: (age 22)
I would like her to dress modestly, but also be able to look how she wants to look, and dress for the weather or what have you, like, to keep it in balance. Honestly, however the girl wants to dress is fine, but knowing and keeping in that she could be tempting guys to lust after her body and be mindful to not wear clothes that are purposefully drawing attention to her butt or chest. I’m not going to sit here and act like there’s a dress code for modesty I’m all about what the intentions behind things are to a certain extent. Using good, mature judgement but also creatively and comfortably expressing yourself via personal fashion choices. A large part of this is the topic of fighting the sexual dogma that is surrounding women nowadays. The truth is, that pornography is the most prevalent it's ever been in the world, today. And in that, sexual perversion, lust, and promiscuity are at all-time highs, and at an all-time maximum capacity of influences in the lives of young men and women. Girls need to be aware that how they dress; valuing yourself and what you do is a way of fighting the awful sexual black tar that is permeating its way through our society and relationships. It’s obviously not just the responsibility of girls though; guys need to be aware of the same categories in some different ways.
responsibility of girls though; guys need to be aware of the same categories in some different ways.
Adrian (age 22):
Ummm… YES!!! If it follows that immodest clothing leads to temptation – inevitably sin – I would want my future girlfriend to dress modestly. Sexual immorality isn't to be taken lightly. It is the cause of heart ache, mistrust, anxiety, unwanted soul ties (research that), and hopeless relationships. I would hope my future girlfriend/wife has a clean heart. I would hope that she would have confidence in Christ, rather than in her physical appearance.