Christ Centered Girls Winter Issue 2016 Winter issue 2016 | Page 21

self-respect to gain the respect of a man? I acknowledge that different women will claim that they seek empowerment, confidence, and self-expression. Consequently I think it's deceptive to think you may gain any of these. Even though your immodest attire may be pleasurable and make you feel desired, it comes with price of sin and separation from God. I'm not saying it's entirely up to women whether men have sexual thoughts, yet if they practiced modesty it would help reduce those impulses and passions. I don't think there's anything that we can do in our own power that will eradicate this problem. Only Jesus, through the transformation of our hearts and renewal of our minds, can do that.

2.) Would you want your future/current Girlfriend to dress modestly why or why not?

Chris (age 22):

I would definitely prefer modesty, again because of my own flaws which are hard enough to keep in check in regards to marital fidelity. A relationship should be as pure as possible with God leading. Until a couple is married, it would be preferred (in my case) that she remain modest to keep us both in check and focused on God. As for marriage, that is a different story. In public, I would want my lady to feel confident in herself but certainly dress more modestly as to know and communicate that she is taken or at least to not give off a flirtatious attitude. I find that many people make an excuse that rape victims were "asking for it," but this is certainly not the case and it perpetuates the violence, misogyny, and male supremacy lie! Too many people distort the biblical truths of male headship to mean male dominance and "what the man says is what is." I feel that I would request and hope that my lady would respect me enough to want to be modest and of a quiet character to only want to save herself for marriage. I would never force her; however, I would hope and pray that I never find myself in a relationship with an immodest woman, again, because of my own insecurities and weaknesses.

to only want to save herself for marriage. I would never force her; however, I would hope and pray that I never find myself in a relationship with an immodest woman, again, because of my own insecurities and weaknesses.

MAX (age 22):

The direct answer is yes. I understand the desire to look attractive, to feel secure and comfortable in crowds with friends or peers. And I encourage it for her sake, if it gets to the point that she simply just needs to impress her friends and have every guy turn their head then she is not satisfied with my attention hence not satisfied with me. My primary concern is making sure my girlfriend knows I don't need the attention of anyone else to feel secure and I hope that that would be hers too.

I would Definitley PreferModesty...