Christ Centered Girls Winter Issue 2016 Winter issue 2016 | Page 23

Her past relationships, whether familial or dating, and the way she interacted with those people, will directly impact how much she trusts me, how open she'll be, how loving, or sadly how cold. Though it's not absolutely certain that she'll live a life free of pain and suffering, dressing modestly will ensure that she avoids the wrong type of men. Imagine I did have a girlfriend currently; I wouldn't want her immodest attire attracting the eyes of other men. It would evoke jealousy and insecurity. A woman's decision to control how she dresses has a profound impact on how some men feel about themselves and the other men around them.

3.) Is modesty more than just dressing that way? Why or why not?

Chris (age 22):

Modesty is definitely more than just an outfit. It is a matter of the heart as well; a flirtatious heart that screams more impurity than God-honoring submission and patience. Simply what one wears does not determine their modesty. Consider early 20th century England (and even before), women dressed incredibly modestly; however, they were just as wild and scandalous as they are today, but were better at keeping secrets. It is a heart problem, as is all sin, and which is why we need Jesus in our lives, to help us fight against our evil natures to sin against him and be sexually immoral and giving in to our fleshly desires. It is both dress, but also general demeanor!!

MAX (age 22):

You bring up a great point, I do believe modesty is also about the way you act not just the way you dress. Being welcoming, warm, and kind are wonderful traits but it can be perceived as "acting interested" or "leading on" other people, which is why is important to limit the amount of one on one time with the opposite sex. A flirtatious young woman who may dress modest may not act modest, ultimately bringing some young men under the wrong impression. However even with all these points made, it is ultimately the responsibility of the men to guard their hearts and eyes, pursue women with wisdom and discernment, and set the standard for an upright moral character.

young woman who may dress modest may not act modest, ultimately bringing some young men under the wrong impression. However even with all these points made, it is ultimately the responsibility of the men to guard their hearts and eyes, pursue women with wisdom and discernment, and set the standard for an upright moral character.

Garrison (age 22):

Oh completely! Modesty and humility walk hand in hand. And the Bible wants us to be humble. God wants us to be humble. I feel like Modesty is a way of carrying yourself. Like, Modesty is not acting all sexual and manipulative. Acting in modest love and not encouraging the opposite.

Adrian (Age 22):

I think modesty goes further than just clothing. Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Modesty, to me, means to acknowledge God in everything that we do -- our speech, our deeds, in friendships, business, and family. I looked up the definition for modesty and found the two top definitions to be interesting. Modesty: the quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities: the quality of behaving and especially dressing in ways that do not attract sexual attention. (Many scriptures come to mind). So I can sum up modesty as something we do in humility to reflect the image of Jesus Christ. Modesty shows that we acknowledge God. It should not be exclusive to how a woman dresses. Men can practice modesty by not being prideful in our intelligence, physical feats, and musical skills. On a side note, though a girl might possess curves, it's not necessary that she flaunt them. Concealing physical beauty for the sake of avoiding temptation and fleeing from sin takes humility and obedience to God. From a guy blessed with many gifts, I at times need to be modest in how I display my talents lest I become proud, arrogant and foolish. Conclusion: modesty is more than how a woman dresses. It's a state of mind that both Christian men and women need to habitually practice.