China Programs Newsletter Volume 1 | Page 14


China Programs worked together with ISSS (International Students & Scholars Services) and organized a Ski/Snowboard trip for international students at Eldora Mountain. On the early morning, February 17, a full bus with 55 passengers started off to Eldora Mountain. Among them, about 20 people are from China. Many of them had never tried ski/snowboard before. It was a great opportunity for them to experience the winter sports in Colorado.

We arrived at Eldora Mountain around 8:30am. Students got their rental equipment, including ski/snowboard rentals, helmet, and lift ticket and got ready for their class at 10am. After 2 hour class, most of them could ski/snowboard by themselves. We were ready to leave at 3:30, since the place closed at 4pm. Many students said that they would like to come again before the winter was over. As a students in Colorado, ski/snowboard is definitely something that you don’t want to miss.

中国项目和国际学生学者办公室合作为国际学生组织了去Eldora Mountain的滑雪活动。2月17日一早,一辆55座满员的学校大巴出发,其中20名学生学者来自中国。很多人之前从来没有滑过雪,这是一次非常好的机会体验一下科罗拉多州非常著名的冬季运动。

我们大约8:30抵达Eldora Mountain,学生们开始领取雪具,包括滑雪/滑板用品、头盔、缆车票,为他们10点的初学者课程做好准备。两个小时的课程结束后,大部分学生已经可以独立地进行滑雪或滑板了。我们大约3:30开始集合准备离开,因为滑雪场于4点关门。很多学生表示他们希望在冬季结束之前能再来一次。作为来科罗拉多上学的学生,滑雪/滑板是一项绝对不能错过的经历。

Spring 2016