China Programs Newsletter Volume 1 | Page 13

Spring 2016



In spring 2016, we had about 40 Chinese Minor students and 30 Chinese partner students participate into the Language Partners Program. Students met every Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-5pm, 2/3-4/14. Chinese Club would provide assignments for Chinese minor students, while China Programs would provide topics for Chinese students. The purpose of this program is to help Chinese minor students and Chinese students communicate with each other in both English and Chinese and help each other improve foreign language skills. What’s more, through every week’s conversations, students made deep friendship and learned cultural perspectives from their language partners.

For Chinese minor students, they could get extra credit by participating the language partners program. For Chinese students, they could get points. China Programs used point system to encourage Chinese students’ participation. They could get 1 points by showing up every time. They could also get extra 2 points by participating activities or hanging out with their language partners outside of the program. By the end of the year, they could get some incentives according to how many points they get in 2015-2016 academic year.


对于中文辅修专业的学生而言,他们可以通过每周和中国学生一起完成 作业获得额外的分数;对于中国学生而言,他们可以通过参加项目或和语言伙伴外出活动累计得分。中国项目用积分制鼓励中国学生坚持参加项目。每次参加项目可获得1分;项目之外的时间,他们和语言伙伴一起参加活动或吃饭 、逛街等,可以获得2分。学年结束的时候,中国学生可以用累计的分数换取一些奖品。