China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 76

Payment for Ecological Services and River Transboundary Pollution Table 2. Statistic Descriptives of the Respondents Variables Definition Mean S.D. Age Years 34.09 10.94 Years of education Years 14.56 3.13 Income level Income (1,000 Yuan/month) 4.44 4.1 Income higher than need Male Respondents’ income can meet the needs of their daily life? (1=yes,0=no) 0.25 0.43 Dummy for male (0=female,1=male) 0.51 0.5 The database illustrated here is the sub-sample (about the half of the total sample) of the survey using the Multiple-Bound Discret Choice format WTP question. The other part of the data that we did not use in this paper is based on a dichotomous choice format WTP question. In Table 3 we reproduced the part of the estimation results of He, Huang, and Xu (2015a) based on the subsample using the MBDC (Multiple Bound Discrete Choice, Wang and He 2011; Welsh and Poe 1998) format WTP questions. 2 The last two estimation functions (hypotheses 2 and 3) illustrated in Table 1 used both individual- and city-level characteristics to explain the monthly WTP. The key variables of our interest are those included in the section called water quality-related variables, where both the water quality of the river flowing through the city of a respondent’s residence (degree) and the water quality of the section of river flowing through the direct upstream cities (degree_up- per) were included in the explanation of monthly WTP. As can be seen from the estimation called “hypothesis 2”, the monthly WTP of a respondent was positively and significantly affected by the water quality of the river crossing his/ her resident cities but was negatively related to the water quality of the direct upstream city. The LR test reported at the bottom of Table 1 compared the model, including the variables of the water quality of the direct upstream city, with that excluding such variables. Including the water quality of the upstream cities significantly increased the explanative power of the estimation models and thus supported the relevance of including those variables. However, the results associated with the variable degree_upper in the model called “hypothesis 2” do not exactly correspond to the new framework that we proposed. This is because the upstream city’s water quality was used as the determinant of WTP, not the exact information of the water quality at 2 The other half split questionnaires used the double-bound dichotomous choice (DBDC) elicitation strategies, whose results illustrated obvious bias related to the starting price anchor effect. 73