China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 77

China Policy Journal the transboundary section of the river. We therefore believe that it is better to use the estimation result of model “hypothesis 3” to establish the payment standard since the cross-term used in this model, degree_upper×, can be considered a proxy for the water quality in the section of the river flowing through the boundary between city j and its direct upstream neighbor k, where is the distance between city k and its direct upstream neighbor j along the river. This term implies the notion of “distance decay” of the river water pollution concentration because of the auto-purification capacity of the river; that is, the further the city j is from its upstream neighbor k, the more the auto-purification function of the river can help to reduce the concentration of the pollution in the section of the river flowing into the city k. Therefore, the further city k is from city j, the lower will be the impact of its transboundary pollution on city j. Our choice was supported by the LR test, which confirmed that the use of the cross-term degree_upper× gave significantly better estimation results than the simple term degree_upper and by the improved statistical significance of the coefficients for the upstream water quality related term. Table 3. Main Estimation Results of He, Huang, and Xu (2015), MBDC Version Data Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Hypothesis 3 Individual characteristics Bid price —0.011 —0.011 —0.011 (38.13)*** (38.13)*** (38.13)*** rep_gov —18.436 —18.666 —18.159 (2.19)** (2.22)** (2.17)** water_problem 7.080 9.700 10.930 (0.95) (1.29) (1.46) will_service 15.093 13.791 13.203 (3.87)*** (3.51)*** (3.37)*** quality_deg 20.245 20.217 18.151 (2.67)*** (2.68)*** (2.41)** age —0.271 —0.177 —0.178 (0.79) (0.51) (0.52) —0.554 —0.614 —0.534 education (0.46) (0.51) (0.44) income_level 4.019 3.825 3.988 (3.96)*** (3.76)*** (3.95)*** 74