China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 44

Assessing the Implementation of Local Emission Trading Schemes in China the regulated enterprises. It may reflect deeper problems of the two ETSs: loose enforcement and over-supply of CEA. Note: Full sample period started from the first operation dates of the ETS pilots till 30 June 2017. Figure 1. Average Weekly Trading Volume of CEA in Seven ETS Pilots In each ETS, the trading activities are more frequent and involve larger trading volumes toward the compliance deadline. In most time of the year, the trading activities are relatively sporadic and with smaller trading volumes. Thus, the trading volume variables all exhibit the asymmetric and leptokurtic distribution, with high-level positive skewness and pronounced excess kurtosis. The standard deviation of CEA price returns (lnReturn t ) can be considered as a measure of price volatility. We use it to compare the market risks between local ETSs. Figure 2 shows the price volatility over different time periods, launching dates -June 2014 (1 st Period), July 2014–June 2015 (2 nd Period), July 2015–June 2016 (3 rd Period), and July 2016–June 2017 (4 th Period). We can see that each ETS pilot exhibits a variation of price volatility in different sub-periods. Although Hubei ETS had low CEA price on average, its price volatility was the lowest compared to other piloting ETSs, but it became more and more volatile over time. Beijing ETS had a relatively low volatility but experienced a higher level of volatility during July 2015–June 2016. Chongqing CEA price had the highest volatility, and it was the most volatile during July 2016–June 2017. We can see that different local ETSs perform so differently that the operation of the national ETS can be expected to be more challenging. Overall, Beijing and Shenzhen ETSs seem 41