China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 43

China Policy Journal Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of CEA Price, Price Returns and Trading Volumes Market Price t ($/ton CO 2 e) lnReturn t Volume t (1000 ton CO 2 e per week) City Level ETS Provincial Level ETS BJ CQ SH SZ TJ GD HB Obs. 187 159 184 210 183 184 170 Mean 7.805 3.133 3.894 6.911 3.424 4.150 3.326 Std. Dev. 1.091 1.726 2.114 3.048 1.156 3.019 0.718 Min. 5.343 0.163 0.676 3.102 1.054 1.295 1.582 Max. 12.507 7.152 7.814 18.360 7.421 12.053 4.399 Skewness 0.587 0.131 0.032 1.199 0.468 1.279 −0.457 Kurtosis 5.786 1.793 1.640 3.404 3.355 3.091 1.666 Obs. 186 158 183 209 182 183 169 Mean 0.000 −0.020 0.001 0.000 −0.006 −0.008 −0.004 Std. Dev. 0.060 0.198 0.095 0.113 0.100 0.098 0.051 Min. −0.210 −0.931 −0.355 −0.346 −0.544 −0.314 −0.259 Max. 0.225 0.814 0.320 0.530 0.547 0.303 0.225 Skewness 0.363 −0.424 0.024 0.585 0.018 −0.004 −0.701 Kurtosis 6.447 11.558 6.398 6.169 13.522 4.462 10.513 Obs. 187 159 184 210 183 184 170 Mean 37.238 31.296 55.309 88.875 16.422 164.625 242.541 Std. Dev. 84.351 185.844 137.582 380.085 105.425 336.122 380.081 Min. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 25 th percentile 0.620 0.000 0.053 3.640 0.000 0.770 64.343 Median 5.000 0.000 12.447 16.904 0.360 23.540 133.683 75 th percentile 25.523 0.144 48.594 68.291 1.380 174.190 258.081 Max. 565.091 2166.620 1113.833 4010.471 1083.470 2449.509 3217.207 Skewness 3.489 9.954 4.797 9.408 8.280 3.630 4.773 Kurtosis 16.516 111.895 29.626 93.829 74.976 19.120 31.790 Number of zero observations 3 111 43 9 60 19 2 Note: “Std. Dev.” indicates standard deviation; “Obs” indicates the number of observations. “Min” and “Max” are short for minimum and maximum respectively. Price t refers to a time-series variable of weekly CEA prices. Volume t refers to a time-series variable of weekly CEA trading volume. lnReturn t refers to the logarithmic form of CEA price returns. lnReturn t = ln(Price t /Price t−1 ). at Shenzhen ETS, when 4 million tons CO 2 e were traded in 2016 week 12. Among the city-level ETSs, Shenzhen has the largest weekly trading volume on average, followed by Shanghai and Beijing. In Chongqing and Tianjin, however, there are respectively 111 weeks and 60 weeks when zero transactions were made on the ETS markets, implying very low-level participation of 40