China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 45

China Policy Journal Note: price volatility is estimated by the standard deviation of price returns. Figure 2. Price Volatility of CEA in Seven ETS Pilots to operate better than other city-level ETSs, with their high-level CEA prices and active trading activities. Regarding provincial level ETS, Guangdong has higher CEA price, while Hubei has lower volatility and larger weekly trading volume. Chongqing and Tianjin ETSs are not so successful considering their low CEA prices and scarce trading transactions. Therefore, we do not include Chongqing and Tianjin in the regression analysis, as their CEA prices may be artificially set in the weeks with zero transactions, not really relating to the market demand and supply. Table 5 contains the descriptive statistics of crude oil price, coal price and Shanghai Shenzhen 300 stock index during 2013 week 25–2017 week 26, and LNG price data during 2014 week 1–2017 week 26. Shanghai Shenzhen 300 stock index has the largest volatility because of the nature of the stock index data. 3.2. Unit Root Tests and Johansen’s Tests We took logarithmic forms of all price variables and tested their unit roots. Table 6 displays the results. Not all of the logarithmic forms of the variables is integrated of order zero, meaning that the logarithmic forms of some variables are not stationary. The logarithmic differences of all CEA price variables (i.e. price returns) are stationary, and the logarithmic differences of energy prices and the stock index are also stationary. Thus, we use logarithmic differences of the price variables throughout the following regression analysis. We applied Johansen’s tests for I(1) logarithmic price variables that are integrated of order one, including Chongqing CEA price, Hubei CEA price, Shanghai CEA price, Brent oil price and LNG price. We used the tests for every two I(1) logarithmic variables 42