Chiiz Volume 05 : Travel Photography | Page 11

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 24mm F / 8 130s ISO100
Basic Requirements Here are a few “ must haves ” to get best possible results :
• A good and sturdy tripod
• Set of ND filters
• Set of Graduated ND filters
• Circular Polariser
• Remote Shutter Release
What Filter to use ? It depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve . For example if you are shooting the turbulent sea and you want to shoot crashing waves in such a way to keep it between the complete freeze to complete silky smooth , then a 3 stop or a 6 Stop filter will be the choice but if you want to create a silky smooth look , then you may need a 10 or a 15 stop Filter .
Finding out which filter will be appropriate , comes with experience .
Set up the Camera and Important Tips
Long Exposure landscape photography can get frustrating for beginners but as in any other situation , practice makes you perfect . Setting up the camera the right way will help you achieve better results faster and keep the frustration away .
- Put the camera on a sturdy tripod , which is set up on firm ground . A good tripod is a critical part of long exposure photography . Remember your shutter may remain open for
a few minutes and the camera has to be rock steady all this while .
- Shoot in RAW format
- Use lowest possible ISO to get minimal high ISO noise .
- Close down the aperture to around f / 8 or f / 11 to get deep depth of field .
- Turn off your Image Stabiliser . Image stabilization is for handheld shooting . Your camera is already on a tripod and IS may try to auto correct smallest of movement and may ruin your final image .
- Lock the Mirror . This will remove the possibility of vibration created by the mirror movement while pressing the shutter button .
- Use Remote Release Cable . This will help you keep your hands off the camera . This is another essential when you are shooting in Bulb mode .
- Calculate Base Exposure . Set the right aperture at lowest possible ISO and get the exposure reading . This will help you calculate correct exposure time based on the type of ND filter you are using .
- Lock the Focus . Some ND filters can be very dense making it difficult for camera focus . Compose , Focus , and change to Manual Focus .
- Fix the ND filter . Carefully fix the ND filter set on the lens . I first put the desired ND filter and / or GND filter in place before putting on the filter holder unit on the lens .
- Cover the Viewfinder . This is to prevent stray light sneaking in and affecting the exposure .
- Calculate the right exposure time based on the density of ND filter being used . For example , if you are using a 10 Stop Filter , change the Shutter Speed to compensate for the 10 Stop loss of light .
You can use available apps for your Android based phone or iPhone to calculate exact correct exposure .
- Check histogram . Don ’ t forget to check the histogram after the shot is taken .
- Which ND Filters to buy ? I have used many brands and now settled for NiSi brand of ND Filters which are one of the finest in the market today .
Final Thoughts Long exposure photography requires more planning than other forms of photography but it ’ s worth the effort . Once you get the hang of it , Long exposure photography using ND filters can be highly addictive in nature . So what are you waiting for ? Pack your filters in your bag and shoot stunning dreamy landscapes using long exposure .
Vol 5 21