Chiiz Volume 05 : Travel Photography | Page 10

Long Exposure Photography Tips and Tricks Canon photo mentor and founder of Light Chasers Photography, Delhi based photographer, Jassi Oberai has captivated the viewers with his work. Versatility being his key, he loves the challenge of shooting wildlife on one day to shooting fashion the other. In a lot of his photographs you’ll see very vibrant colors. A lot of times this can give a whole new look to something that’s rather mundane or something that our eye’s are used to. Light Jassi Oberai Chasers Photography, believes in delivering values in whatever they do. They conduct photo workshops, organize photo tours or model shoots and at times be adventurous and combine all three of the above. Jassi believes patience, practice and the courage to be different is the key to improve your photography. If you want to be a part of his workshops/photo tours, you can check here at What is Long Exposure? Any exposure that is longer than 0.5 sec and ranges between 0.5 sec to 30 sec using Manual Mode and from 30 seconds to infinity when using BULB mode, is called Long Exposure. Canon EOD 5D Mark IV 20mm F/8 59s ISO100 20 Vol 5 In this article, let’s see how to achieve long exposure during daytime to create dreamlike landscape images. Basically, we need to cut down the amount of available light which is done by using Neutral Density Filters (ND Filters). A Neutral Density Filter is simply a high quality piece of glass that reduces the amount of light reaching camera sensor. “Neutral” means that it should not shift the colors while cutting down the light.