Lunch Spread
Canon EOS 600D 39mm F/5 1/60s ISO200
Chandrima Sarkar
Chandrima Sarkar was a painter and a visual designer before she stepped
into the animated world of photography. What started as an everyday activity
of clicking home-cooked food to present it in a better light has now become
a passion. She tries to style her food in a way that when people see the
photographs, they can instantly connect to them. She loves to write recipes
for her snaps and her food blog is a home to both. Chandrima believes that
every food item has a character of its own that tells a story and evokes precious
memories and emotions which she tries to bring alive in her photographs. You
can check out her instagram handle @notoutofthebox.
Vol 5
Rice Camera
Canon EOS 600D 50mm F/5.6 1/40s ISO400