Chichester Yacht Club Magazine January 2020 | Page 9
Yacht Section Cruising in Company
Programme 2020
By Carole Middleton, YS Cruising Secretary,
and Tim Walker YS Training and Technical
The sailing season will soon be upon us and people are
starting to make plans for 2020.
The Yacht Section Cruise, Race and Social programme
summary can be found in Yacht Documents on the
website. More detailed cruise descriptions and the
booking facility will be available on the website from
January 8.
Some cruises are very popular and get booked up
quickly but still put your name on the reserve list if you
are interested as things change nearer the time and cruise leaders will usually be able to accommodate everyone who
has signed up.
A few weekend and mid-week Harbour day cruises have been included in the programme, aimed at members with
smaller yachts, or those wishing to build their confidence, to sail in company with other club boats over shorter
The Yacht Section cruise booking pages have been updated ready for the 2020 season. Among the
changes is the option for skippers to
add the names of their crew and the
opportunity to take part in the
Buddy Scheme either as a Cruise
Buddy, someone who is willing to
offer assistance, or Buddy Wanted,
someone who is either new to
cruising in company or less
experienced and would like
someone to show them the ropes.
This information will be found on
the Details page which is
reproduced, right.
The What’s New in Yachts
presentation on 1 st March will pro-
vide more information about the
cruising programme, including
harbour day cruises and the
opportunities for cruise leaders
and participants to offer and deliver
Buddying sessions during their cruise.