Chess Life Julio 2012 | Page 58

Tournament Life
Lecture Friday: GM Alex Yermolinsky, two times U. S. Champion, will host a lecture at 7:00pm the night before the tournament. All who attend can win one of GM Yermolinsky ' s signed works in a drawing. Reg.: 6:30-7pm $ 10 on site! Hotel: Rooms include full breakfast buffet. Suites Hotel, 218- 727-4663, chess rate $ 110. Rooms held until July 3. After July 3, first come first serve. For more info: Dane Zagar, danezagar @ gmail. com, 218-409- 5678. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 4-5, Washington Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 2012 U. S. Open Weekend Swiss 5-SS, G / 60. $$ 1,000 guaranteed prizes. $ 200-100-50, U2200 / Unr $ 160, U1800 $ 140, U1600 $ 120, U1400 $ 100, U1200 $ 80, Unr $ 50. Entry fee: $ 40, Unr free if paying USCF dues. On-Site Registration: 8:30- 9:30am 8 / 4. Rds.: Sat 10-1-3:30, Sun 10-1. See U. S. Open Side Events display ad for more details on all 2012 U. S. Open Side Events.
A Heritage Event! Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, Washington Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300 113th annual U. S. Open See Nationals.
Aug. 9, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 4-SS, G / 25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $ 40, members $ 20, GMs and IMs free( no deduction from prize!).($$ 530 b / 32 first two prizes guaranteed:) $ 200-100-50, U2200 $ 95, U2000 $ 85. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. www. marshallchessclub. org.
A Heritage Event! Aug. 9, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) The Original“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Now At The New Yorker Hotel- USCF ' s Longest-Running Action Tournament! 4-SS, G / 25 + d / 5 or G / 30 + d / 0. Chess Center at the historic New Yorker Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- 9969( www. chesscenter. cc). EF: $ 30, GMs $ 25 from prize. Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $ 5 less to those who played in at least 4“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $ 10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987— Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years! $$ 700 Guaranteed: 200-110-50, Top U2200 / unr $ 100, U2000 $ 90. NEW!! $ 150 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best male / female 2-player team combined score: $ 100-50( teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 only is Quick-rated( G / 15 + td / 3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes( 1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $ 15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. Help with NYC street parking: www. primospot. com.
A Heritage Event! Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, Massachusetts Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 120( Enhanced) 42nd annual Continental Open 6SS, 40 / 2, SD / 1( 2-day option, rds 1-3 G / 50). Host Hotel at Cedar Lake, 366 Main St.( Rt 20 West), Sturbridge, MA 01566( I-84 Exit 3, near I-90). Free parking. Experience early 19th century America at OldSturbridge Village( see www. osv. org). Prizes $ 30,000 based on 250 paid entries( re-entries & $ 60 less EF count half), minimum $ 21,000( 70 % of each prize) guaranteed. In 7 sections. Open: $ 3000-1500-700-400-300, clear or tiebreak win $ 100 bonus, top U2400 / Unr $ 1800-1000. FIDE. Under 2200: $ 2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 2000: $ 2000-1000-600-400-200. Under
1800: $ 2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 1600: $ 1800-900-500-400-200. Under 1400: $ 1500-800-400-300-200. Under 1100: $ 700-400-250-150- 100. Unrated may enter any section, with prize limit U2000 $ 1000, U1800 $ 800, U1600 $ 600, U1400 $ 400, U1100 $ 250; balance goes to next player( s) inline. Top 6 sections EF: 4-day $ 149, 3-day $ 148, 2-day $ 147 mailed by 7 / 31, all $ 149 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 6, $ 155 phoned by 8 / 6( 406-896-2038, entry only, no questions), $ 160( no checks, credit cards OK) at tmt. No credit card mailed entries. GMs free; $ 140 deducted from prize. EF for all in Under 1100 Section & unrated in Under 1400: all $ 60 less. All: Advance EF $ 5 less to MACA members; may join / renew at masschess. org. Re-entry $ 80; not available in Open Section. Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $ 40, Young Adult $ 30, Scholastic $ 20. 4-day Schedule: Reg Thu to 6:30 pm, rds Thu7 pm, Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day Schedule: Reg. Fri to 11 am, rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day Schedule: Reg Sat to 9 am, rds Sat 10, 12:45, 3:15 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. All schedules: Bye all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, other sections before rd 4. HR: $ 89-89-99, 800-582-3232, 508-347- 7393, request chess rate, reserve by 7 / 26 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD # D657633. Ent: Continental Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $ 15 service charge for refunds. Questions: www. chesstour. com, DirectorAtChess. US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 11, Washington Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 2012 U. S. Open Blitz Championship( QC) 7-SS( double round, 14 games), 1 section, G / 5. Quick rated, higher of regularorquickrating. Entry fee: $ 40, free to Unrated if paying USCF dues. Registration: 9am-11:30am, first round begins at noon. $ 2000 guaranteed prizes! $$ 400-200-150, Expert $ 200-100, U2000 $ 200-100, U1800 $ 180-90, U1600 / Unr $ 140-70, U1400 $ 100, U1200 $ 70. See U. S. Open Side Events display ad for more details on 2012 U. S. Open Side Events.
A Heritage Event! Aug. 16, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20( Enhanced) August New Yorker Masters Special Edition Of USCF ' s Longest-Running Action Tournament!
4-SS, G / 25 + d5 or G / 30 + d / 0, Chess Center of New York at the historic New Yorker Hotel!, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC( 845-569-9969, Thursdays: 212-971-0101). 2 sections. Masters, open to players currently or formerly over 2199 USCF or FIDE, or any player scoring 2 1 / 2 or more points in any“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Action tournament since Jan. 2011. $ 1,500 Guaranteed Prizes! $ 400-200-100, top U2400 150. Under 2200: $ 200-100, top U1800 $ 100. NEW!! Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes: best male / female 2-player team combined score in either section: $ 150-100( teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200; teammates may play in different sections, teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1( G / 15 + td / 3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. EF: Masters Section $ 40, Under 2200 Section $ 30, $ 5 less to anyone who played in 4 or more“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Action tournaments since Jan. 2011, GMs free($ 25 from prize), specified Greater NY Scholastic Prizewinners Free! Limit 2 byes( limit one bye towards class prize), must commit by 8:15 pm. Reentry: half-price. Reg. ends 20 min. before game. CCA ratings may be used. Help with NYC street parking: www. primospot. com. Info: www. chesscenter. cc. th
6 rounds, Aug 31-Sep 3, Sep 1-3 or 2-3, Albany Marriott
America’ s oldest annual event- $ 12,000 guaranteed
6 round Labor Day weekend Swiss in 5 sections; you play only those in your section. Choice of 4-day, 3-day or 2-day schedule( no 2-day Open Section), all merge and compete for same prizes. $ 97 room rates, free parking, free airport shuttle.
Open Section: Prizes $ 2000-1000-500-300, state title and $ 100 bonus to top NY resident, top U2300 / Unr $ 700, U2200 / Unr $ 600. FIDE, 100 GPP Under 2100: $ 1000-500-300-150, top Under 1900 $ 400.. Under 1800: $ 1000-500-300-150, top Under 1600 $ 400. Under 1500: $ 800-400-200-100, top Under 1300 $ 300. Under 1200: $ 200-100, trophy to top 5, 1st Under 1000, Under 800,
Under 600, Unrated. Unrated prize limits: $ 150 in U1200, $ 300 U1500, $ 600 U1800.
FULL DETAILS: see“ Grand Prix” in this issue or chesstour. com.
Aug. 16, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 4-SS, G / 25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $ 40, members $ 20, GMs and IMs free( no deduction from prize!).($$ 530 b / 32 first two prizes guaranteed) $ 200-100-50, U2200 $ 95, U2000 $ 85. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. www. marshallchessclub. org.
A State Championship Event! Aug. 17-19, Arkansas Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 Arkansas State Championship
Little Rock Convention Center( Downtown Little Rock), FULTON ROOM, 6 SS, 2 Open Schedules. Schedule 1: Reg: Fri. 6:00-6:50 PM. G / 120. Rds: Fri 7 PM, Sat 9:30, 2:30, 7:00, Sun 9:00 & 2:00. Schedule 2: Reg: Sat. 8:00-9:00 AM. Rds 1 & 2 are G / 60. Rd 1- 9:30; Rd 2-11:40, merge rd 3- G / 120. EF: $ 45 in advance, otherwise $ 50. 1 / 2 point bye is available if asked for at registration. $$ b / 50 entries: 1st place: $ 400. 2nd: $ 250; A $ 200. B, C, D each $ 200, $ 50. E $ 100; Unr $ 100. Upset prize of $ 50. Plaques for winners( must be AR resident). USCF & ACA req ' d. OSA,( b / 50, but if less, prize money prorated based on percentage, ex: 45 would be 10 % less payout) MUST BE 4 in a class else $ 50 prize. Room rates at the America’ s Best Value Inn located at 3100 main St. in North Little Rock will be discounted at only $ 42.95 per night for a single room and only $ 52.95 per night for double for chess tournament participants. For more info contact: Tony Davis, President of Urban Knights chess club at 501-744-4911, chessmasterguard @ yahoo. com. NS, NC, W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, California, Northern Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50( Enhanced) 4th annual Central California Open 5SS, 40 / 2, SD / 1, d / 5( 2-day option, rds 1-2 G / 75, d / 5). Radisson Hotel, 2233 Ventura St., Fresno, CA 93710. Free parking, free airport shuttle. Cosponsored by Fresno Chess Club. $$ 10,000 based on 125 paid entries( re-entries & $ 60 less EF count half), minimum $ 7,000( 70 % of each prize) guaranteed. In 4 sections: Open: $ 1500-700-400-300, clear or tiebreak 1st $ 100, top U2200 $ 600, U2100 $ 500. FIDE. Under 2000: $ 1200-600- 400-200, top U1800 $ 500. Under 1700: $ 1000-500-300-200, top U1500 $ 400. Under 1400: $ 300-200-100, trophies to top U1200, U1000, U800, U600. Unrated may enter any section, with prize limits: U1400 $ 150, U1700 $ 500. Balance goes to next player( s) in line. Top 3 sections EF: 3-day $ 118, 2-day $ 117 mailed by 8 / 8, all $ 115 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 14, $ 120 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8 / 14( entry only, no questions), $ 130 at site, or online until 2 hours before your first game. Under 1400 Section EF: all $ 60 less than above. Mailed EF $ 15 less to Fresno Chess Club members. GMs, IMs & WGMs free, $ 100 deducted from prize. All: Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with Chess Life if paid with entry: Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $ 40, Young Adult $ 30, Scholastic $ 20. Re-entry $ 60; not available in Open Section. No checks at site, credit cards OK. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. Byes: OK all, limit 1 bye if eligible for class prizes; must commit before rd 2. HR: $ 89-89, 800-241-0756, 559-268-1000, request chess rate, reserve by 8 / 3 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD # D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour. com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Questions: chesstour. com, DirectorAtChess. US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, Indiana Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80( Enhanced) 7th annual Indianapolis Open 5SS, 40 / 2, SD / 1, d5( 2-day option, rds 1-2 G / 75, d5). Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Airport, 2051 S. High School Rd( off I-465 & Airport Expwy), Indianapolis, IN 46241. Free parking, free airport shuttle, free wireless, indoor pool, game room, fitness center. $$ 16,000 based on 200 paid entries( re-entries & $ 50 off entries count half), $ 12,000( 75 % each prize) minimum guaranteed. In 5 sections. Open: $ 2000-1000-600-300, clear or tiebreak winner $ 100 bonus, top Under 2300 / Unr $ 800, Under 2200 / Unr $ 700. FIDE. Under 2100: $ 1400-700-400-200, top Under 1900( no unr) $ 500. Under 1800: $ 1400-700-400-200, top Under 1600( no unr) $ 500. Under 1500: $ 1200-600-300-200, top Under 1300( no unr) $ 400. Under 1200: $ 700-400-200-100, trophies to top Under 1000, Under 800, Under 600, Unrated. Unrated may not win over $ 150 in U1200, $ 300 U1500, or $ 500 U1800. Top 4 sections EF: 3-day $ 108, 2-day $ 107 if check mailed by 8 / 8, all $ 105 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 14, $ 110 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8 / 14( entry only, no questions), $ 120( no checks, credit cards OK) at site. GMs, IMs or WGMs free; $ 100 deducted from prize. Under 1200 Section EF: all $ 50 less than above. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $ 40, Young Adult $ 30, Scholastic $ 20. Re-entry $ 60; not available in Open Section. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR( note correction): $ 89-89, 1-800-227-6963, 317-236-7495; reserve by 8 / 3 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour. com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $ 15 service charge for refunds. Questions: www. chesstour. com, DirectorAtChess. US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150( Enhanced) 11th annual Manhattan Open NOTE 2-DAY, U900 & U700 SCHEDULE CHANGES. 6SS, 40 / 2, SD / 1, d5( 2-day option, rds 1-3 G / 50, d5). Under 900 and Under 700 Sections play 8 / 18-19 only, G / 50, d / 5. New Yorker Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St. across from Penn Station, New York 10001. $ 35,000 guaranteed prizes.
56 Chess Life— July 2012 uschess. org