See previous issue for TLAs appearing July 1-14 ends Sat 10 am, rds 7 / 28-7 / 31:11 & 6, Wed 8 / 1 10am. HR: $ 98. Ent: MCA, c / o Michael Regan, 1827 Thornton Ridge Rd., Towson, MD 21204. More information, link for hotel reservation & online entry at: http:// washingtoninternationalchess. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 30-Aug. 20, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 94th Nassau Grand Prix & Qualifying 3SS, 40 / 80. 1st Presbyterian Church, 1st & Main Sts., Mineola. Open: EF: $ 36 by 7 / 28. $$( 416 b / 13 top 2 G) 180-120, U2000 / UR 116. Qualifying: under 1400 / UR. EF: $ 16 by 7 / 28. $$( 120 b / 10) 80-40. 1.5 pts quals for semi-final section of 9 / 10 / 12 Semis. Both: EF non-memb $ 9 more, $ 7 more at site. Bye: 1-3. Reg to: 7:15 PM. Rds.: 7:15 each Mon. No game on 8 / 13. August supl. used. Ent: H. Stenzel, 80 Amy Dr., Sayville, NY 11782. captnhal @ optonline. net.
Aug. 2, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 4-SS, G / 25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $ 40, members $ 20, GMs and IMs free( no deduction from prize!).($$ 530 b / 32 first two prizes guaranteed:) $ 200-100-50, U2200 $ 95, U2000 $ 85. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. www. marshallchessclub. org.
A Heritage Event! Aug. 2, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) The Original“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Now At The New Yorker Hotel- USCF ' s Longest-Running Action Tournament! 4-SS, G / 25 + d / 5 or G / 30 + d / 0. Chess Center at the historic New Yorker Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569- 9969( www. chesscenter. cc). EF: $ 30, GMs $ 25 from prize. Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $ 5 less to those who played in at least 4“ 4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $ 10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987— Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years! $$ 700 Guaranteed: 200-110-50, Top U2200 / unr $ 100, U2000 $ 90. NEW!! $ 150 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best male / female 2-player team combined score: $ 100-50( teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 only is Quick-rated( G / 15 + td / 3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes( 1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $ 15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. Help with NYC street parking: www. primospot. com.
Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Maryland Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 30 2012 Potomac Open 5SS, 40 / 100, SD / 45 + 30” incr,( Rnd 1 G / 90 + 30” incr)( 2-day Schedule: rds 1-2 G / 45 + 30” incr) U1300 & U1000 G / 120( 2-day option, rds 1-2 G / 60) Rockville Hilton, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852.
$$ Based on score. 6 Sections: Championship( min. rating of 1700) FIDE rated: 5.0 =$ 1500, 4.5 =$ 700, 4.0 =$ 350, 3.5 =$ 150 [ min $ 1500 payout, topscore group raised if less than $ 1500 ] top U2200 =$ 145. U1900 & U1700: 5.0 = $ 1200, 4.5 = $ 600, 4.0 = $ 300, 3.5 = $ 100. U1500: 5.0 = $ 1000, 4.5 = $ 500, 4.0 = $ 250, 3.5 = $ 100. U1300 & U1000: 5.0 =$ 500, 4.5 =$ 250, 4.0 =$ 125, 3.5 =$ 50. Additional 1st place prizes( added to score prize)- Championship: $ 300; U1900, U1700 & U1500: $ 200; U1300 & U1000: $ 100. Unrated may not win over $ 100 in U1000, $ 200 U1300, or $ 400 in U1500. Sets and board provided. Clocks provided in the Championship section. Optionally, pairings can be texted to your phone. Free Sunday morning continental breakfast for players. Free parking for day guests. EF: $ 90 by 7 / 20, $ 100 by 7 / 31, and $ 105 online only by 8 / 2, $ 110 at the door. Special EFs: $ 35 less for U1300 & U1000, GMs free, $ 50 deducted from prize, IMs $ 45 off EF, $ 20 deducted from prize, $ 5 off EF if staying at hotel. HR: $ 75,($ 5 EF discount if staying at hotel) limited number of free rooms Sat. night for GMs. Rooms may not be avail after 7 / 20. 3-day Schedule: Reg. ends Fri 7pm, rds Fri 8, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 9 & 3. 2-day Schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10am rds 11, 2:15 & 6, Sun 9 & 3. U1300 & U1000 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 7 pm, rds Fri 8, Sat 11 & 4:00, Sun 9 & 1:00. U1300 & U1000 2-day schedule: Reg. endsSat10amrds11, 1:15 & 4:00, Sun 9 & 1:00. Ent: Michael Regan, 1827 Thornton Ridge Rd., Towson, MD 21204. Detailed rules, more information and registration at http:// thepotomacopen. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Ohio Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 100( Enhanced) Cleveland Open 5SS, 40 / 2, SD / 1, d5( 2-day option, rds 1-2 G / 75, d5). Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel, 5300 Riverside Dr.( inside Cleveland Airport; free shuttle), Cleveland, OH 44135. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $ 16,000 guaranteed prize fund. In 6 sections. Open: $ 2000-1000-600-300, clear or tiebreak winner $ 100 bonus, top Under2200 / Unr $ 1200-600. FIDE. Under 2000: $ 1400-700-400-200. Under 1800: $ 1400-700-400-200. Under 1600: $ 1200-600-300-200. Under 1300( note change): $ 1000- 500-250-150. Under 1000: $ 300-200-100, trophies to top U800, U600, Unr. Unrated may not win over $ 150 in U1000, $ 300 U1300, $ 500 U1600, or $ 800 U1800. Top 5 sections EF: 3-day $ 103, 2-day $ 102 mailed by 7 / 25, all $ 105 online at chesstour. com by 7 / 31, $ 110 phoned to 406-896- 2038 by 7 / 31( entry only, no questions), $ 120( no checks, credit cards OK) at site, or online until 2 hours before your first game. No mailed credit card entries. GMs, IMs & WGMs free; $ 90 deducted from prize. EF for all in U1000 or unrated in U1300: $ 70 less than above. Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $ 40, Young Adult $ 30, Scholastic $ 20. Reentry $ 50; not available in Open Section. 3-day Schedule: Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day Schedule: Reg ends Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $ 85-
85-85-85, 216-267-1500, request chess rate, reserve by 7 / 20 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour. com. Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $ 15 service charge for refunds. Questions: www. chesstour. com, DirectorAtChess. US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at chesstour. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 4, Missouri Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 Dog Days Open 4SS, G / 70. Chess Club & Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, 4657 Maryland Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63108. Free entries for GMs and IMs. EF: $ 35, $ 30 for annual members of the club if registered by 8 / 3. MCA membership req ' d from $ 5. PF: $ 1,200 Unconditionally Guaranteed!! 1st Overall- $ 250, 2nd Place- $ 200. $ 150 for 1st in each class: A, B, C, D, U1200 / UNR. Reg.: 9-9:45. Rds.: 10, 12:45, 3:30, 6:15. Winner qualifies for 2013 Club Championship. One 1 / 2 point bye if declared before round 1. MCA Membership required from $ 5. OSA. Ent: 4657 Maryland Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63108, or online at saintlouischessclub. org Info: 314-361-CHESS info @ saintlouischessclub. org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 4-5, California, Southern Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15( Enhanced) San Diego County Championship at the San Diego Chess Club, 2225 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101. $ 3,500 prize fund, based on 70 players. 5 Rd SS, 3 Sections, Rds are Sat 10 AM, 2 PM & 6 PM, and Sun 10 AM & 3 PM, all games are G / 100, d / 5. 1 bye available in Rounds 1-4. EF: $ 50 if rcvd by 8 / 03, otherwise $ 60. Special Rate for U1400 or Unr is only $ 25 in advance or $ 30 at door. Book prize only for Unr players. Forfeiting a game makes you ineligible for any prizes. SCCF membership Req ' d,($ 18 Adult /$ 10 Jr), this is a State Championship Qualifier. Reg.: 9 AM to 9:45. Prizes: Open Section: $ 500-250, BU 2400 $ 200-50 BU 2300 $ 200-50, BU2200 $ 200-50, BU2100 $ 200-50. Reserve Section( under 2000): $ 300-150, BU 1900 $ 200-50, BU1800 $ 200-50, BU1700 $ 200-50. Booster Section( under 1600): $ 180-75, BU1500 $ 100-50, BU1400 $ 75-25, Plus $ 15 Best Game Prize in each Section. NS, NC, W. Ent: SDCC, POB 120162, San Diego, CA 92112. Info: call Bruce Baker( 619) 239-7166, or see the SDCC website http:// sdchessclub. multiply. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 4-5, Minnesota Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 Twin Ports Open( In Duluth Overlooks Lake Superior) Over $ 1,500 projected in prizes + GM Alex Yermolinsky is playing! The Suites Hotel in Canal Park, 325 Lake Avenue S., Duluth, MN 55802. Open: EF $ 45 by 26 July, $ 55 on site. Prizes( based on 15): $ 400, $ 200, $ 125; U2000 $ 90. Class prizes: Expert, A, and B. U1700: EF $ 40 by 26 July, $ 50 on site. Prizes( based on 15): $ 300, $ 150, $ 100; U1400 $ 90. Class prizes for C and D / Unrated. Both Sections: 5SS, Rd 1 G / 60 + 30 sec increment; Rds 2- 5 G / 90 + 30 sec increment. Reg.: Sat 9-10am. Rds.: Sat 10:30-2-7; Sun 10-3. USCF memb. required. Advanced Reg.: Checks payable to Twin Ports Chess Club. Mail: Dane Mattson, 2629 E. 4th St., Superior, WI 54880. GM
44th annual Atlantic Open August 24-26 or 25-26, 2012 at Washington Westin Hotel
5 rounds, 40 / 2, SD / 1, d5( 2-day option, rds 1-2 G / 75, d5), Washington Westin, 1400 M St NW at Thomas Circle, Washington DC 20005( 5 blocks from White House). Hotel rates: $ 96-96, 202-429-
1700, 800-445-8667, reserve by 8 / 10.
In 7 sections:
Open: $ 2000-1000-500-300, clear or tiebreak 1st $ 100 bonus, top Under 2300 / Unr $ 1200-600. FIDE rated, 120 Grand Prix Pts( enhanced). Under 2100: $ 1500-700-400-200. Under 1900: $ 1500-700-400-200. Under 1700: $ 1500-700-400-200. Under 1500: $ 1300-700-400-200. Under 1300: $ 1200-600-300-200. Under 1000: $ 400-300-200-100, trophy to top 3, U800, U600, Unr.
Unrated prize limits: U1000 $ 150, U1300 $ 300, U1500 $ 500, U1700 $ 700, U1900 $ 900. See TLA for past rating prize limits.
Top 6 sections entry fee: 3-day $ 108, 2-day $ 107 mailed by 8 / 15, all $ 105 at chesstour. com by 8 / 21, $ 110 phoned to 406-896-2038( entry only, no questions) by 8 / 21, $ 120( no checks, credit cards OK) at site, or online until 2 hours before game..
Under 1000 Section entry fee: all $ 60 less than above. Re-entry( except Open): $ 60. Special 1 yr USCF dues with magazine if paid with entry. Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. At site, see TLA. USCF mem. required.
Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated.
3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 am & 6 pm, Sun. 10 am & 4:30 pm.
2-day schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11 am, 2:30 pm & 6 pm; Sun. 10 am & 4:30 pm.
Half point byes OK all( limit 2), Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3.
Bring set, board, & clock if possible- none supplied.
Entry: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills NY 12577. Optional entry form faces inside back cover. $ 15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries will be posted at chesstour. com. JGP.
uschess. org Chess Life— July 2012 55