Chess Life Julio 2012 | Page 56

Tournament Life July 26, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix! 4-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $40, members $20, GMs and IMs free (no deduction from prize!). ($$530 b/32 first two prizes guaranteed:) $200-100-50, U2200 $95, U2000 $85. Reg.: 6:15-6:45 pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45. One bye available, request at entry. rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day Schedule: Reg ends Sat 10:30 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. Bye: all, limit 2; must commit before rd 2. HR: $89-89, 860-627-5311; reserve by 7/13 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions:, DirectorAtChess.US, 845-496-9658. Advance entries posted at Chess Magnet School JGP. A Heritage Event! July 26, New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) The Original “4 Rated Games Tonight!” Now At The New Yorker Hotel - USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament!! 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the historic New Yorker Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-5699969 ( EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize. Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who played in at least 4 “4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987—Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years! $$700 Guaranteed: 200-110-50, Top U2200/unr $100, U2000 $90. NEW!! $150 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 only is Quick-rated (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. Help with NYC street parking: July 27-29 or 28-29, Florida Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) 20th Annual Southern Open 5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Wyndham Orlando Resort, 8001 International Dr., Orlando 32819. Free parking. $$16,000 based on 200 paid entries (re-entries & $50 off entries count half), $12,000 (75% each prize) minimum guaranteed. In 5 sections. Open: $2000-1000-500-300, clear or tiebreak winner $100 bonus, top Under 2300/Unr $ 800, Under 2200/Unr $700. FIDE. Under 2100: $1400700-400-200, top Under 1900 (no unr) $500. Under 1800: $1400-700-400200, top Under 1600 (no unr) $500. Under 1500: $1200-600-300-200, top Under 1300 (no unr) $400. Under 1200: $800-400-200-100, trophies to top Under1000, Under 800, Under 600, Unrated. Unrated may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 U1500, or $500 U1800. Top 4 sections EF: 3day $103, 2-day $102 mailed by 7/18, all $105 online at by 7/24, $110 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 7/24 (entry only, no questions), $120 (no checks, credit cards OK) at site. GMs free; $100 deducted from prize. EF for all in U1200 or unrated in U1500: all $50 less than above. Unofficial ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. Reentry $60; not available in Open Section. 3-day Schedule: Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. 2-day Schedule: Reg ends Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11, 2:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:15. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. HR: $7171 plus resort fee (currently 7.5%), 1-800-421-8001, 407-351-2420; reserve by 7/13 or rate may increase. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD D657633, or reserve car online through Ent: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions:, [email protected], 845496-9658. Advance entries posted at Chess Magnet School JGP. July 27-29 or 28-29, Connecticut Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced) 17th Annual Bradley Open 5SS, 40/2, SD/1, d/5 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, d/5). Sheraton Hotel, 1 Bradley Airport (visible at airport entrance), Windsor Locks, CT 06096 (I-91 Exit 40 to Rt. 20). Free parking. $8000 guaranteed prize fund. In 5 sections. Open: $1000-500-300, U2300 $450. FIDE. Under 2100: $800-400-200, top U1900 $450. Under 1800: $800-400-200, top U1600 $450. Under 1500: $700-400-200, top U1300 $300. Under 1200: $250125-75, trophies to 1st place, top U1000, U800, U600, Unrated. Unrated may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 in U1500 or $500 in U1800. Top 4 sections EF: 3-day $88, 2-day $87 if check mailed by 7/18, all $89 online at by 7/24, $95 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 7/24 (entry only, no questions), $100 at site. No mailed credit card entries. U1200 Section EF: all $40 less than above. No checks at site, credit cards OK. GMs free, $80 deducted from prize. Mailed EF $3 less to CSCA or WMCA members. Re-entry $50; not available in Open Section. Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry. Online at, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. 3-day Schedule: Reg ends Fri 6:30 pm, July 28, Virginia Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced) Sterling Chess July Open and RBO Hilton Inn & Suites Dulles, 22700 Holiday Park Dr., Sterling, VA 20166. Three Sections: Open: 4SS, G/61 T/D5, $600 Gtd., 300/200/100. U1600: 4SS, G/61 T/D5, medal to winner. U900: 4SS, G/25 T/D5, medal to winner. Rds.: Open and U1600 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00. U900 12:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00. Doors open 10:30. EF: Open $40, U1600 $25, U900 $20. Unrateds free. Entries limited: Register online at ling-chess-tournaments. Pay on website. HR: 79/89. Call 703-537-7800 and mention Sterling Chess. Bye: Half-point, any round. Players with more than one bye are not eligible for prizes. Info: news@serranoassociates. com. Chess Magnet School JGP for top two sections. July 28-29, Texas Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 DCC Summer Insanity 10 Rd. 2-SS, G/30, d/5 (Play white and black against each opponent), Dallas Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr., #C, Richardson, TX 75080. EF: $50. $30 Junior/Senior/Hcapp. Limited number of House players welcome for $1 per game. Dallas Chess Club membership required or pay $5 non member fee. $$GTD: $300-150. Class prizes (if any) depends on entries. Reg.: 7/28 at 11:45 am - 12:10 pm. Rds.: Round 1 at 12:30 pm rest ASAP with hour breaks at around 6:30 pm, 12:30 am and 7:30 am. 4 points of 1/2 point Byes allowed. Byes for round 9 and 10 must be requested before round 6. ENT: Dallas Chess Club, C/O Barbara Swafford, 2709 Longhorn Trail, Crowley, TX 76036. INFO: Barbara Swafford, 214-632-9000 [email protected]. NS. NC. A Heritage Event! July 28-29, Wisconsin Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 36th Annual Green Bay Open Radisson Hotel, 2040 Airport Dr., Green Bay, WI 54313. 5SS, 40/100, 30/1, SD/30. EF: $43, Juniors under 19 $38, if rec'd by 7/25, entries paid after 7/25 including phone & email are $12 more! $$Gtd: $1760 Cash + 6 trophies! 1st $425 + trophy, 2nd $220, X $120; 1900’s & 1800's $120 each; 1700’s &1600’s $115 each; 1500’s & 1400’s $110 each; 1300’s & 1200’s $105 each; Under 1200/Unrated $95. Note: Class prizes are based on a minimum of 5 players per class. (The top 2 prizes are unconditionally guaranteed.) Trophies to top Juniors ages 17-18, 15-16, 13-14, 11-12, 10 & under. Reg.: 8:45-9:25am. Rds.: 10-2:30-7:30; 10-3:30. HR: $79/$79/ $89/$99 call 920-494-7300 mention chess tournament. Room block held to 7/13. Other Info: 1/2 bye avail. rds 1, 2 or 3 if req'd w/entry. Entries & Inquiries to: Luke Ludwig, 2191 Allouez Ave., Green Bay, WI 54311. 920-465-9859, email: [email protected]. WCA Tour Event. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP. July 28-Aug. 1, Maryland Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 150 2012 Washington International 9SS, 40/90, SD/30 inc/30. Rockville Hilton, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-468-0308. Guaranteed Prizes: $5000-3000-2000-1000900-800-700-600-500-500, top U2500 $700-300, top U2300 $700-300. (minimum 2100 FIDE to play. FIDE ratings used for pairings and prizes). Sets, board and clocks provided. GM and IM norms possible. Free Continent al breakfast every morning. Optionally, pairings can be texted to your phone. EF: GMs, non-US IMs, or FIDE over 2500 Free, US IMs, non-US FIDE rated, or FIDE over 2400 $200, FIDE over 2300 $300, FIDE over 2200 $400, FIDE under 2200 $500. All $25 more after 6/1, $50 more after 6/29, $75 more after 7/24, $100 more at the door. Special EFs: ALL EFs $50 less, if staying at the Hilton. Schedule: Reg 42nd annual CONTINENTAL OPEN Aug 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12 - $30,000 projected prizes, $21,000 minimum! 6 rounds, Host Hotel at Cedar Lake, Sturbridge MA- great summer vacation spot 6 rounds, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (2-day option, rds 1-3 G/50, d5). Host Hotel at Cedar Lake, 366 Main St (Rt 20 west), Sturbridge MA 01566 (I-84 Exit 3, near I-90). Free parking. Experience 1790-1840 America at Old Sturbridge Village (, swim in Cedar Lake, visit shops & galleries. Prizes $30,000 based on 250 paid entries (re-entries & $60 less entries count half); min. $21,000 (70% each prize) guaranteed. In 7 sections (4-day, 3-day, 2-day schedules merge & compete for same prizes): Open: $3000-1500-700-400-300, clear or tiebreak win $100 bonus, top U2400/Unr $1800-1000. FIDE rated, 120 Grand Prix Points (enhanced). Under 2200: $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 2000: $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 1800: $2000-1000-600-400-200. Under 1600: $1800-900-500-400-200. Under 1400: $1500-800-400-300-200 Under 1100: $700-400-250-150-100. 54 Chess Life — July 2012 Unrated prize limits: U2000 $1000, U1800 $800, U1600 $600, U1400 $400, U1100 $250. Unofficial ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Top 6 sections entry fee: 4-day $149, 3-day $148, 2-day $147 mailed by 7/31, all $149 online at by 8/6, $155 phoned by 8/6 (406-896-2038, no questions), $160 at site (no checks, credit cards OK), or online until 2 hours before first game. Re-entry (no Open) $80. Entry fee for all in Under 1100, or unrated in Under 1400: all $60 less. Special 1 year USCF dues with Chess Life, if paid with entry. Online at, Adult $30, Young Adult $20, Scholastic $15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $40, Young Adult $30, Scholastic $20. USCF memb. required. Advance entry fee $5 less to MACA members; may join/renew at 4-day schedule: Reg Thu to 6:30 pm, rds Thu 7 pm, Fri 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day schedule: Reg. Fri to 11 am, rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: Reg. Sat to 9 am, rds Sat 10, 12:45, 3:15, 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. Half point byes OK all rds (limit 2); Open must commit before rd 2, other sections before rd 4. All: No smoking. Bring sets, boards, clocks if possible-none supplied. JGP. Hotel rates: $89-89-$99, 800-582-3232, 508-347-7393, reserve by 7/26 or rate may increase. Car rental: 800-331-1600, #D657633, or reserve at Entry: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills NY 12577. Optional entry form faces inside back cover, or see $15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries posted at