Chess Life Julio 2012 | Page 55

See previous issue for TLAs appearing July 1-14
6SS , 40 / 2 , SD / 1 , d / 5 ( 2-day option , rds 1-3 G / 45 , d5 ). Under 900 Section , July 21-22 only , G / 70 , d / 5 . Sheraton Agoura Hills Hotel , 30100 Agoura Rd ., Agoura Hills , CA 91301 ( US-101 to Reyes Adobe Road exit ). Adjacent to the Santa Monica Mountains , 26 miles west of Burbank , 12 miles from Malibu , 28 miles from Ventura . Free parking . Prizes $ 25,000 based on 230 paid entries ( re-entries count half , Under 900 one-third ), minimum $ 15,000 ( 60 % each prize ) guaranteed . In 7 sections . Open : $ 3000-1500- 700-400 , clear or tiebreak win $ 100 bonus , top U2300 / Unr $ 1600-800 . FIDE . Under2100 : $ 2000-1000-500-300 . Under 1900 : $ 2000-1000-500- 300 . Under 1700 : $ 1800-900-500-300 . Under 1500 : $ 1500-700-400-200 . Under 1200 : $ 1200-600-300-200 . Under 900 : $ 300-200-120-80 , trophies to top 7 . Unrated may enter any section , with prize limit U2100 $ 1000 , U1900 $ 800 , U1700 $ 600 , U1500 $ 400 , U1200 $ 200 , U900 $ 100 ; balance goes to next player ( s ) in line . If any post-event rating posted at uschess . org 7 / 18 / 11-7 / 18 / 12 is more than 30 points over section maximum , prize limit $ 600 . Top 6 sections EF : 4-day $ 134 , 3-day $ 133 , 2-day $ 132 mailed by 7 / 10 , all $ 135 online at chesstour . com by 7 / 15 , $ 140 phoned by7 / 15 ( 406-896-2038 , entryonly , noquestions ), $ 150 ( no checks , credit cards OK ) at tmt . No mailed credit card entries . GMs free ; $ 120 deducted from prize . Under 900 Section EF : all $ 90 less than above . SCCF membership ($ 18 , jrs $ 10 ) required for rated Southern CA residents . Re-entry $ 70 ; not available in Open Section . Unofficial uschess . org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated . Special 1 year USCF dues with magazine if paid with entry . Online at chesstour . com , Adult $ 30 , Young Adult $ 20 , Scholastic $ 15 . Mailed , phoned or paid at site , Adult $ 40 , Young Adult $ 30 , Scholastic $ 20 . 4-day Schedule : Reg Thu to 6:30 pm , rds Thu 7 pm , Fri 7 pm , Sat 11 & 6 , Sun 10 & 4:30 . 3-day Schedule : Reg . Fri to 11 am , rds Fri 12 & 7 , Sat 11 & 6 , Sun 10 & 4:30 . 2-day Schedule : Reg Sat to 9 am , rds Sat 10,12:45 , 3:15 & 6 , Sun 10 & 4:30 . Under 900 Schedule : Reg Sat to 9 am , rds 10 , 1:15 , 4:30 each day . All schedules : Half point byes OK all , limit 2 , Open must commit before rd 2 , other sections before rd 4 . HR : $ 87-87 , 818-707-1220 , request chess rate , reserve by 7 / 5 or rate may increase . Car rental : Avis , 800-331-1600 , use AWD # D657633 . Ent : Continental Chess , PO Box 249 , Salisbury Mills , NY 12577 . $ 15 service charge for refunds . Questions : www . chesstour . com , 845-496-9658 . Advance entries posted at chesstour . com . Chess Magnet School JGP .
A Heritage Event ! July 20-22 or 21-22 , Arizona Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 30 ( Enhanced ) Ye Olde Pueblo Open and Scholastics Holiday Inn Palo Verde , 4550 S . Palo Verde Rd ., Tucson , AZ 85714 , 520- 746-1161 . SECTIONS : Open , Reserve ( U1800 ), & Booster ( U1400 ). Scholastic tournament held the same weekend ( K-6 / U1000 ) visit website for more information !! SCHEDULE : ( 3-day ) 5 / SS , 40 / 2 , SD / 1 ; Reg .: 7 / 205:30-6:30PM ; Rds . 7 , 10-5 , 9-4 . ( 2-day ) 5 / SS , Rds . 1-2 G / 90 ; Rds . 3-5 40 / 2 , SD / 1 ; Reg .: 7 / 21 8:30-9:30 AM ; Rds : 10-1:30-5 , 9-4 . PRIZES : ( Open ) $$ G : $ 500 ( plaque ) -400-300; $$ b / 4 X , A , B / below $ 150 ea . Trophy Top Jr . U20 , Jr . U14 , Sr . 50 +; ( Reserve ) $$ b / 38 : $ 250 ( plaque ) -150 ( plaque ); $$ b / 4 C , D / below $ 100 ea . Trophy to Top UNR , Jr . U14 , Sr . 50 +; ( Booster ) Trophy and clock to 1st Place , Trophy to 2nd - 5th Place , Top E , U1000 / Unr and Jr . U11 . EF : GM / IM are FREE ! prizes to be reduced . ( Open ) $ 60 ; ( Reserve ) $ 45 ; ( Booster ) $ 30 . LATE FEE : Additional $ 10 if entry received after 7 / 18 . DISCOUNT : $ 10 off EF for Juniors ( under age 20 ) and Seniors ( age 50 +) in Open and Reserve . ALL : 1 / 2 pt byes allowed for all rounds but must be requested prior to start of Round 2 ( max 2 ). No Re-entries . HR : $ 69 ( single ) or $ 80 ( suite ) if by 7 / 6 , mention “ SACA ”. Info : Karen Pennock , 520-261-6149 , email : kpennock _ 83 @ yahoo . com , web : www . sazchess . org . Ent : Online registration available at www . saz chess . org / store / store . php or postal mail ( make checks payable to SACA ) to : SACA , Attn : 2012 Ye Olde Pueblo , PO Box 36149 , Tucson , AZ 85740 . NC . NS . W . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 20-22 or 21-22 , California , Northern Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 40 ( Enhanced ) People ’ s Tournament 5SS , 30 / 90 sd60 , 2-day rds 1-2 g / 90 merge rd3 . Hilton , 7050 Johnson Dr ., Pleasanton . Hotel $ 79 . Free parking . Prizes : $ 8,000 b / 133 ( 75 % guar ). 5 sections . MX ( 2000 + FIDE rated ): 1000-500-200 , top u2300 300 , u2100 100 . A / B / C : 800-400-200-100 ea . DE : 600-300-100 , top u1200 300- 100 . Unr max $ 300 exc in Open . EF by 7 / 17 : $ 99 . Onsite + 25 , Play-up + 20 . r / e 40 . Econ Opt : EF-20 & 2 / 3 calc prize ( not avail in Open ). GMs / IMs free : prize-EF . Jul 12 Supp , CCA min , TD disc to place players . Sched : 3-day Reg . F 6-6:30 , Rds . F 7 , Sa 11:30 5:15 , Su 10 3:30 ; 2-day Reg . Sa 9-9:30 , Rds . Sa 10 1:30 5:15 , Su 10 3:30 . Max two 1 / 2-pt byes , commit bef rd 3 . Ent : BAC , 1639A S . Main St ., Milpitas , CA 95035 . Rfnd fee 20 . E : ask @ BayAreaChess . com . Info : BayAreaChess . com / peoples . NS , NC , W . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 20-22 or 21-22 , Illinois Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 120 ( Enhanced ) 5th annual Chicago Class 5SS , 40 / 2 , SD / 1 , d / 5 ( 2-day option , rds 1-2 G / 75 , d / 5 ). Westin Chicago North Shore Hotel , 601 North Milwaukee Ave ., Wheeling , IL 60090 ( from Chicago , I-294 north to US-45 north ; from Milwaukee , I-94 to Lake Cook Rd to US-45 south ). Free parking . $ 20,000 guaranteed prize fund . In 8 sections ; no unrated allowed in Master or Expert . Master ( 2200 / up ): $ 2000-1000-600-400 , clear win or 1st on tiebreak $ 100 , top U2400 $ 800- 400 . FIDE . Expert ( 2000-2199 ): $ 1400-700-400-200 . Class A ( 1800-1999 / Unr ): $ 1400-700-400-200 . Class B ( 1600-1799 / Unr ): $ 1400-700-400-200 . Class C ( 1400-1599 / Unr ): $ 1200-600-400-200 . Class D ( 1200-1399 / Unr ): $ 1000-500-300-200 . Class E ( Under 1200 / Unr ): $ 1000-500-300-200 . Under 1000 ( Under 1000 / Unr ): $ 200-100-60-40 , trophies to first 5 , top Under 800 , Under 600 , Unrated . Rated players may play up one section . Prize limits : Unrated may not win over $ 100 in U1000 , $ 200 E , $ 300 D , $ 500 C , $ 700 B , or $ 900 A . If any post-event rating posted at uschess . org 7 / 19 / 11-7 / 19 / 12 is more than 30 points over section maximum , prize limit $ 500 . Top 7 sections EF : 3-day $ 103 , 2-day $ 102 mailed by 7 / 11 , all $ 104 online at chesstour . com by 7 / 16 , $ 110 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 7 / 16 ( entry only , no questions ), $ 120 at site . Under 1000 Section EF : all $ 70 less than above . All : No mailed credit card entries . No checks at site , credit cards OK . Online or mailed EF $ 5 less to ICA members ; join / renew at il-chess . org . An ICA Tour event . Unofficial uschess . org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated . Special 1 year USCF dues with paper magazine if paid with entry . Online at chesstour . com , Adult $ 30 , Young Adult $ 20 , Scholastic $ 15 . Mailed , phoned or paid at site , Adult $ 40 , Young Adult $ 30 , Scholastic $ 20 . Re-entry $ 50 ; not available in Master Section . GMs $ 80 from prize . 3-day Schedule : Reg . ends Fri 6 pm , rds . Fri 7 , Sat 11 & 6 , Sun 10 & 4:30 . 2-day Schedule : Reg . ends Sat 10 am , rds . Sat 11 , 2:30 & 6 , Sun 10 & 4:30 . Bye : all , Master must commit before rd 2 , others before rd 3 . HR : $ 103-103-103-103 , 800-937-8461 , 847-777- 6500 , reserve by 7 / 6 or rate may increase . Car rental : Avis , 800-331-1600 , use AWD # D657633 . Ent : Continental Chess , Box 249 , Salisbury Mills , NY 12577 . $ 15 service charge for refunds . Questions : chesstour . com , 845- 496-9658 . Advance entries posted at chesstour . com . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 20-22 or 21-22 , Tennessee Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 6 Memphis Summer Open 5SS , G / 120 . $ 750 prizes based on 40 entries . Greater Memphis Chess Center , 5796 Shelby Oaks Dr ., Suite 11 , Memphis , TN 38134 . Accelerated pairings . Prizes 1st $ 300 , $ 200 , $ 100 . Top U1600 and U1400 : $ 75 each . EF : $ 40 ($ 35 for MCC and GMCC members ). Rounds : 3-day option : Fri 7pm , Sat 2pm & 7pm , Sun 9am & 2pm . 2-day option : Sat 9am , 2pm & 7pm ; Sun 9am & 2pm . On-site registration : Fri : 5:30-6:30pm or Sat : 7:30- 8:30am . Saturday side event : U1200 Scholastic , 5SS , G / 45 . 1st round at 9am , next rounds ASAP . Trophies for top 3 finishers . EF : $ 15 . Entries : MemphisChessClubInc ., PO Box 17864 , Memphis , TN 38187-0864 . Mem phisChess . com , gpylant @ gmail . com . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 21 , Connecticut Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 20 Fairfield County Masters & Class Championships Chess Club of Fairfield County , 710 West Ave ., Norwalk , CT 06850 . In 2 Sections , Masters : 5SS , G / 30 , Open to Minimum 2200 rating . $$ GTD : $ 500-300-200 . Half-point byes available for rounds 1 & 2 . Must commit before round 1 . Max . 2 byes . Class Championships : 5SS , G / 30 , Open to 2199 & under . Open to Maximum 2199 rating . $$ GTD : $ 400-200-100 . Top U2000 , U1800 , U1600 - $ 100 Each . Half-point byes available for rounds 1 & 2 . Must commit before round 1 . Max 2 byes . ALL : EF : $ 40 in advance online by Fri 8pm 7 / 20 or postmarked by Tue 7 / 16 . $ 50 late onsite . CCFC members $ 30 advance /$ 40 late . Grandmasters and International Masters free - entry fee deducted from prize . Reg .: 10:00 - 10:30am . Rds .: 11:00 , 12:15 , 2:30 , 3:45 , 5:00 . ENT : Chess Club of Fairfield County LLC ., 710 West Ave ., Norwalk , CT 06850 , www . fairfieldcountychess . com /. INFO : Melvin Patrick 203-505-6215 , mpatrick @ fairfield countychess . com .
July 21 , Missouri Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 Saint Louis Premiere & Amateur 4SS , G / 85 . Chess Club & Scholastic Center of Saint Louis , 4657 Maryland Ave ., Saint Louis , MO 63108 . Free entries for GMs and IMs . EF : $ 40 , $ 30 for annual members of the club if registered by 7 / 20 . MCA membership req ' d from $ 5 . PF : $ 1,200 Unconditionally Guaranteed !! Each Section $ 225- $ 150- $ 100- $ 75- $ 50 ( 1st-5th ). Winner of each Section qualifies for 2013 Club Championship . Reg .: 8-8:45 . Rds .: 9 , 12:15 , 3:45 , 7 . One 1 / 2 point byeifdeclaredbeforeround 1 . MCA Membership required from $ 5 . OSA . Ent : 4657 Maryland Ave ., Saint Louis , MO 63108 or online at saintlouis chessclub . org Info : 314-361-CHESS info @ saintlouischessclub . org . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 21 , New Jersey Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 ( Enhanced ) Luzviminda Machan 2 Open 4-SS , G / 45 . Once a month . EF : $ 40 , members $ 30 , GMs free ($ 25 deducted from prize ). $$ G200-150-100-50 . Prizes to U2200 , U1800 , U1400 , and U1000 ( Trophies ). Reg .: 1pm-1:30pm . Rds .: 1:30pm , 3:15pm , 5pm , 6:45pm . One bye available , commit at least 15min prior the game . 1531 Irving St ., Rahway , NJ 07065 . ( 732 ) 499-0118 /( 760 ) 583-8429 . NOTE : Chess Mates Summer Camps ( June 25-September 7 ). Please visit www . chessmatesnj . com for details .
July 21-22 , Louisiana Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 6 2012 Paul Morphy Open 5-SS , G / 2 ( Round 1 : G / 90 ). Site : Holiday Inn Metairie New Orleans Airport , 2261 N . Causeway Blvd ., Metairie , LA 70001 . EF : $ 50 if mailed by 7 / 14 , $ 60 at site . LCA Memb . req ' d ($ 10 adult , $ 5 Schol .), OSA . Prizes : $ 1900 b / 60 , 50 % Gtd . Two Sections : Open : $ 400-200 ; U2000 $ 200-100 , U1800 $ 200-100 . Reserve ( U1600 ): $ 250-100 ; U1400 $ 200 ; U1200 / UNR $ 150 . Reg .: 7 / 21 , 8-9am . Rds .: Sat : 9:15-1-5:30 , Sun : 9:30-2 . HR : $ 99 , ( 504 ) 373-5946 , reserve early . Ent / Info : Adam Caveney , 1301 Gen . Taylor St ., New Orleans , LA 70115 , cb20234 @ yahoo . com , ( 504 ) 895-4133 ( evenings ), ( 504 ) 615-6730 ( on day of tourney ). NS . NC . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 21-22 or 22 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 ( Enhanced ) Marshall July Grand Prix ! 4-SS , 30 / 85d5 , SD / 1d5 . Marshall CC , 23 W . 10th St ., NYC . 212 477- 3716 . EF : $ 50 , members $ 30 . $$ 625 Gtd : 275-150 , U2200 / unr . $ 105 , U2000 $ 95 . Reg . ends 15 min . before round . Rds .: 2 schedules : 2-day , Rds . 12:30-5:30PM each day ; 1-day , ( Rds . 1-2 G / 25d5 ) 10-11:15AM-12:30- 5:30PM Sun ; both merge rd . 3 . Limit 2 byes , request at entry . NO RE- ENTRY . FIDE ( G / 30 not FIDE ratable ). www . marshallchessclub . org . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 21-22 , Oklahoma Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 Jerry Spann Memorial / OCF OK FIDE Open 5-SS . G / 90 , d30 . Clarion Hotel , 2600 N . Aspen ( Hwy 51 at 145th East Ave .), Broken Arrow , OK 74012 . $$ Prizes ( b / 49 ) in two Sections : Open ( FIDErated ): 1st $ 500 ( G ) + trophy DGT Clock , 2nd $ 300 , A : $ 200 + trophy DGT Clock , $ 100 . Reserve ( open to U1800 ) ( FIDE-rated ): 1st $ 300 + trophy DGT Clock , 2nd $ 150 . C : $ 200 + trophy DGT Clock . D / below / unr : $ 200 . EF : $ 55 in advance , $ 10 more if recv ' d after July 18 or at door . $ 5 discount for players under age 18 . Cash or check only . OCF memb . req . Reg .: 8:30-9:45 . Rounds : Sat : 10 , 2:30 , 7 . Sun : 9:30 , 2:00 . HR : $ 69 ask for chess rate . Reservations : ( 918 ) 258-7085 . Free wireless . Entries : Frank Berry , 402 S . Willis , Stillwater , OK 74074 . Info : tom . braunlich @ cox . net . Website : www . okchess . org . NS . W .
July 21-22 , Texas Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 20 ( Enhanced ) 2012 DCC Fide Open V
5SS , G / 90 with 30 sec inc . Dallas Chess Club , 200 S . Cottonwood Dr . # C , Richardson , TX 75080 . Two Sections : Open and Reserve . Open Section $$ 750G . This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF Rules . $ 500- $ 250 . EF : $ 75 , Senior / Hcap / Additional Family Member $ 50 , plus $ 5 non-DCC membership fee if applicable . Small appearance fee to the First two GM / IM who apply . GM / IM must play all rounds to get appearance fee . Reserve section : Open to players rated below 1800 USCF . This section is not Fide Rated but is USCF rated . EF for U1800 : $ 30 plus $ 5 non Dallas Chess Club membership fee if applicable . The U1800 gives back 10 % in prizes and if there is a clear winner , then that winner receives free entry to next DCC Fide Open . Both : Registration : 9:45 -10:15 am . Rds .: Sat 10:45-3:10-7:16 , Sun 10:45-3:10 . One Bye allowed if requested before rd 2 , withdrawals and zero point last round byes are not eligible for prizes . Ent : Dallas Chess Club , see address above . Info : 214-632-9000 , info @ dallaschess . com . NS . NC . FIDE . Chess Magnet School JGP .

2012 CLEVELAND OPEN August 3-5 or 4-5 , Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel $ 16,000 guaranteed prizes

5 round Swiss in 6 sections , you play only those in your section . Choice of 3-day or 2-day schedule , both merge after round 2 . $ 85 room rates , free parking , free airport shuttle !
Open Section : Prizes $ 2000-1000-600-300 , clear / tiebreak win $ 100 bonus , top U2200 $ 1200-600 . FIDE rated , 100 GPP ( enhanced ). Under 2000 Section : $ 1400-700-400-200 . Under 1800 Section : $ 1400-700-400-200 . Unrated limit $ 800 . Under 1600 Section : $ 1200-600-300-200 . Unrated limit $ 500 . Under 1300 Section : $ 1000-500-250-150 . Unrated limit $ 300 . Under 1000 Section : $ 300-200-100 , trophies to first Under 800 , Under
600 , Unr . Unrated limit $ 150 .
FULL DETAILS : see “ Grand Prix ” in this issue or chesstour . com .
uschess . org Chess Life — July 2012 53