Tournament Life
Night Action Championship at the same New Yorker Hotel with a much bigger $ 4,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund !
A Heritage Event ! July 12 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 60 ( Enhanced ) 25th Annual Thursday Night Action Chess Championship : Come Celebrate With Us This Special 25th Anniversary Of USCF ' s Longest- Running Action Tournament , Now At The New Yorker Hotel !! 4-SS , G / 25 + d5 or G / 30 + d / 0 . Chess Center of New York in the 3rd Floor Conference Center ( sorry , the Grand Ballroom is not available ) of the historic New Yorker Hotel !, 481 8th Ave at 34th St , across from Penn Station , NYC : 845-569-9969 ( but we cannot accommodate phone entries this one time , sorry !). $$ 4,000 Guaranteed ! 4 sections . Open ( 19 Separate Place Prizes In Open Section !): $$ 500- 250-150-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-10 0-100 . Under 2200 Section : $$ 150-100 . Under 1800 Section : $ 150-100 ($ 75 limit to unr ). Under 1200 Section : Trophies to Top 4 , Top U900 , U800 , U600 , Unrated . NEW !! $ 1,000 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes !! Best male / female 2-player team combined score in all sections ( father / daughter , brother / sister , wife / husband , aunt / nephew , friend / friend — Mixed Doubles Team possibilities are limited only by your imagination — but sorry , no pets ): $$ 500-250-150-100 ( teammates ’ average rating must be Under 2200 , teammates may play in different sections ; teammate pairings avoided but possible , teams must declare by 8:30 pm ). You do not need to be on a team to play in the tournament Mixed Doubles Prizes are special Bonus Prizes JUST for the Mixed Doubles Teams ! No extra charge to also register as a Missed Doubles Team ! EF top 3 Sections : $ 40 , GMs free , $ 35 from prize . Good Customer Loyalty Discount : $ 5 less to those in top 3 sections who played in at least 10 “ 4 Rated Games Tonight !” tmts . since 1987-- Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament This Past Quarter Century ! Under 1200 Section EF : $ 20 . ALL PLAYERS : USCF membership required ! Special USCF membership dues ($ 30 adult , $ 20 age 24 / below ) with Chess Life but only if paid online by 7 / 10 ! May be limited to the first 250 players to register so advance entry is strongly recommended at www . chesscenter . cc thru 7 / 10 ( see website for complete tournament details and special announcements ). Choice of 2 schedules ! 7:00 Schedule , rds . 7-8:30-9:45-11 pm . 7:30 schedule , rd . 1 only is Quick-rated ( G / 15 + td / 3 ) at 7:30 pm , score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:30 pm . FREE Bughouse Tournament : register at 3:00 pm ! Plaques to the top teams each section ( limit 200 players )! Special FREE Guest Lecture : WGM Martha Fierro , 5 pm : “ Best Classical Games ;” IM Justin Sarkar , 5:30pm : “ Chess As Therapy For Autistic Individuals .” Other surprise special guest lectures TBA ! Special Guests of Honor Awards Presentation , 6:30 pm to some special key players in the history of this event ! Limit 2 byes , commit by 8:30 . Re-entry $ 20 . Reg . ends 20 min . before game . HR : 212-971-0101 . Help with NYC street parking : www . primospot . com . TD : Steve Immitt , NTD , IO , FA , plus special surprise TDs ! CCA Minimum Ratings may be used .
July 13-15 or 14-15 , Florida Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 30 ( Enhanced ) 5th Summer Solstice Open 5SS , G / 120 , ( 2-day Option Rd . 1 G / 60 ). La Quinta Inn and Suites , 3701 N . University Dr ., Coral Springs . $$ 5,600 b / 170 paid entries , 60 % min . Gtd . Open : $ 1000 / Trophy-600-400-250 , U2300 $ 200 , U2200 $ 150 . FIDE . U2000 : $ 500 / Trophy-250-150 , U1850 $ 100 . U1700 : $ 500 / Trophy-250- 150 , U1550 $ 100 . U1300 : $ 500 / Trophy-250-150 , U1150 $ 100 . U1000 : Trophies for 1st to 5th , Medals for all others . Unr . may enter Open , U1300 or U1000 only . EF : $ 69 by July 9 , $ 10 more later and on-site , GMs & IMs free ($ 69 deducted from prize ). U1000 section $ 30 by July 9 , $ 10 more later and on-site . Re-entry cash prize sections $ 35 . Reg .: ends 1 / 2 hr before 1st rd . Rds .: 3-Day 1st Rd . Fri . 7:30 , 2-Day 1st Rd . Sat 10 , Rds . 2-5 Sat . 1:15 , 6:30 , Sun . 9:30 , 2:30 . 2 1 / 2 pt . byes , if req ' d before rd . 2 . HR : $ 67.50 by Cut-off Date , Includes free breakfast & Internet , 954-753- 9000 . Ent : Boca Raton Chess Club , 2385 Executive Ctr . Dr ., Ste . 100 , Boca Raton , FL 33431 . Online entry & add ' l info : www . bocachess . com , 561- 479-0351 . Chess Magnet School JGP for G / 120 rds .
July 14 , New Hampshire Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 6 Nashua Blitz ( QC ) 5 Rd . DBLSS , Radisson Hotel Nashua , 11 Tara Blvd ., Nashua , NH 03062 . EF : $ 20 for players in any Nashua Open section , $ 25 otherwise . $$ GTD : $ 200-100 . U2000 $ 100 , U1600 $ 100 . Reg .: Registration 8:00-8:45 PM . Rds .: Round 1 9 PM then ASAP . ENT : Alex Relyea , 49 Technology Dr . # 89 , Bedford , NH 03110 . INFO : Alex Relyea relyea @ operamail . com . www . relyeachess . com . NS . W .
July 14-15 , New Hampshire Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 30 ( Enhanced ) Nashua Open Radisson Hotel Nashua , 11 Tara Blvd ., Nashua , NH 03062 . In 3 Sections , Open : 4SS , 40 / 90 , SD / 30 + 30 sec . increment , analog clocks play 40 / 90 , SD / 60 , Chronos use setting CH-P6 , FIDE rated . $$ GTD : $ 500-250- 100 . U2300 $ 150 , U2100 $ 150 . U1900 : 4SS , 40 / 90 , SD / 30 + 30 sec . increment , analog clocks play 40 / 90 , SD / 60 , Chronos use setting CH-P6 , Open to 1899 & under . $$ GTD : $ 400-200 . U1750 $ 100 . U1600 : 4SS , 40 / 90 , SD / 30 + 30 sec . increment , analog clocks play 40 / 90 , SD / 60 , Chronos use setting CH-P6 , Open to 1599 & under . $$ GTD : $ 300-150 . U1300 $ 100 . ALL : EF : $ 50 Postmarked by 7 July , $ 55 at site . Reg .: 9:00- 9:45 . Rds .: 10-4 , 10-4 . One half point bye rounds 1-3 . ENT : Alex Relyea , 49 Technology Dr . # 89 , Bedford , NH 03110 . INFO : Alex Relyea , relyea @ operamail . com . HR : $ 89 by 13 June . Mention : Relyea Chess . ( 603 ) 579- 3256 . www . relyeachess . com . NS W . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 14-15 , Virginia Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 15 22nd Annual Charlottesville Open
5SS , G / 90 . EF : $ 55 by 7 / 12 , then $ 65 . 2 Sections : Open & U1700 . Prizes : $ 2000 b / o 60 . Open Section : Place prizes guaranteed . $$ 400 , $$ 250 , $$ 150 U2100 $ 150 , U1900 $ 130 ; U1700 Section : $ 300 , $ 200 , $ 150
U1500 $ 140 , U1200 $ 130 . Site & HR : Comfort Inn Monticello , 2097 Inn Dr ., Charlottesville , VA 22911 ( 434 ) 977-3300 ) $ 99.95 + tax . Reg .: 11- 11:40 am . Rds .: Sat . 12 , 3:15 , 7:15 Sun . 9:30 , 1:15 . Entries : Ernest Schlich , 1370 S . Braden Cres ., Norfolk , VA 23502 . Checks to VCF . Mbr : VCF rqd . for VA residents $ 10 , $ 5 under age 17 . Info : eschlich @ verizon . net , www . vachess . org . Byes : single half-point bye on request . No CC on site , cash only please . Chess Magnet School JGP .
July 17 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 15 ( Enhanced ) Marshall Masters ! 4-SS , G / 25d5 . Third Tuesday of every month . Marshall CC , 23 W . 10th St ., NYC . 212-477-3716 . Open to players rated over 2100 ( plus all players scoring over 50 % in any MCC Open or U2300 tournament since the prior month ' s Masters ). EF : $ 40 , members $ 30 , GMs free . $$ G250-150-100 . Prizes to U2400 , U2300 and biggest upset . Reg .: 6:15-6:45 pm . Rds .: 7- 8:15-9:30-10:45 . One bye available ( Rd 1 or 4 only ), request at entry . www . marshallchessclub . org .
July 19 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 ( Enhanced ) Marshall Thursday Game 30 Grand Prix ! 4-SS , G / 25d5 . Marshall CC , 23 W . 10th St ., NYC . 212-477-3716 . EF : $ 40 , members $ 20 , GMs and IM ' s free ( no deduction from prize !). ($$ 530 b / 32 first two prizes guaranteed :) $ 200-100-50 , U2200 $ 95 , U2000 $ 85 . Reg .: 6:15-6:45 pm . Rds .: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 . One bye available , request at entry . www . marshallchessclub . org .
A Heritage Event ! July 19 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 ( Enhanced ) The Original “ 4 Rated Games Tonight !” Now At The New Yorker Hotel - USCF ' s Longest-Running Action Tournament ! 4-SS , G / 25 + d / 5 or G / 30 + d / 0 . Chess Center at the historic New Yorker Hotel !, 481 8th Ave at 34th St , across from Penn Station , NYC : 845-569- 9969 ( www . chesscenter . cc ). EF : $ 30 , GMs $ 25 from prize . Good Customer Loyalty Discounts : $ 5 less to those who played in at least 4 “ 4 Rated Games Tonight !” Thursday Night Actions since Jan . 2011 , $ 10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987 — Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years ! $$ 700 Guaranteed : 200-110-50 , Top U2200 / unr $ 100 , U2000 $ 90 . NEW !! $ 150 Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes ! Best male / female 2-player team combined score : $ 100-50 ( teammates ’ average rating must be Under 2200 ; teammate pairings avoided but possible , teams must declare by 8:15 ). Choice of 2 schedules ! 7:00 Schedule , rds . 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm . 7:30 schedule , rd . 1 only is Quick-rated ( G / 15 + td / 3 ) at 7:30 pm , score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm . Limit 2 byes ( 1 bye if U2000 ), commit by 8:15 . Re-entry $ 15 , counts half . Reg . ends 10 min . before game . Help with NYC street parking : www . primospot . com .
July 19-22 , 20-22 or 21-22 , California , Southern Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 100 ( Enhanced ) 17th annual Pacific Coast Open
52 Chess Life — July 2012 uschess . org