See previous issue for TLAs appearing July 1-14
The Tournament Announcements on the following pages are provided for the convenience of USCF members and for informational purposes only . Unless expressly indicated otherwise , neither the U . S . Chess Federation nor Chess Life warrants the accuracy of anything contained in these Tournament Announcements . Those interested in additional information about or having questions concerning any of these tournaments are directed to contact the organizer listed . Chess Life will exercise all due diligence in providing accurate typesetting of non-camera-ready copy but assumes no responsibility for errors made in such work .
Effective with TLAs submitted after November 10 , 2010 , the following additional rules apply to Grand Prix tournaments :
1 ) The guaranteed first prize must be at least $ 150 . 2 ) No more than one prize under $ 100 may count towards the Grand Prix point total .
3 ) Prizes below the maximum entry fee do not count towards the Grand Prix point total .
SUBMISSIONS : If possible e-mail your tla to : tla @ uschess . org ( Joan DuBois ). For tla deadline schedule , formatting help and Grand Prix information see April 2012 Chess Life pg . 50 and 51 or check http :// main . uschess . org / go / tlainfo . Payment can be done online through the TD / Affiliate area or sent to : U . S . Chess , TLA Dept ., PO Box 3967 , Crossville , TN 38557 .
July 9-14 , Texas 2012 U . S . Senior Open 6SS , 40 / 2 , SD / 1 , d / 5 ( 3-Day Option , Rounds 1-3 G / 55 , d / 5 ). Marriott Houston South at Hobby Airport , 9100 Gulf Freeway , Houston , TX 77017 , www . marriott . com / hotels / travel / houhh-houston-hobby-airport-marriott /. Free parking ! $ 79 HR valid until 6 / 30 ( includes free hot breakfast buffet !), Reserve early ! 713-943-7979 , Group Code : CHESS . Eligibility : Open to USCF members born on or before July 9 , 1962 . Prizes : $ 5,000 GTD ! 1st- $ 1250 , 2nd- $ 800 , 3rd- $ 500 , 4th- $ 300 , U2300 : $ 500-300 , U2000 : $ 300-150 , U1800 $ 300-150 , U1500 / UNR $ 300-150 . Awards : Commemorative Clocks for 1st , 2nd , and 3rd and plaques for each champion , ages 50-54 , 55-59 , 60-64 , 65-69 , 70-74 and over 75 ( a player may win a place award and an age award ). World Senior Entrant : Top finisher born on or before January 1 , 1952 receives : 1 ) official USCF entrant in the World Senior Championship , and 2 ) a $ 500.00 USCF stipend towards expenses at the WSC . EF : $ 95 if rec ' d by 6 / 30 , $ 115 after or on site . Registration until 6 pm on July 9 ( or until 9am July 12 for 3-Day Schedule ). Registrations after that time may require byes . Rounds : Monday to Friday one round daily at 6:30 pm , Saturday one round at 11 a . m . 3-Day Schedule : Rounds Thursday at 10m , 12:30pm , 3pm ; Merges with 6-Day Schedule on Round 4 . Awards Banquet : Saturday at 7 p . m . Byes : Two 1 / 2 – point byes available if req . before end of rd 2 . Entries : Mail to Francisco L . Guadalupe , 305 Willow Pointe Dr ., League City , TX 77573 . Info : flguada lupe @ aol . com . Enter online : www . active . com / event _ detail . cfm ? event _ id = 2015413 . Note : Active . com charges a small fee . Phone entries : ( 713 ) 530-7820 . Add $ 5 ( per player ) for phone entries . Tournament website link at : http :// main . uschess . org / content / view / 10014 / 95 . FIDE .
July 13-15 , Texas 2012 U . S . Junior Open 6SS , G / 120 , d5 . Marriott Houston South at Hobby Airport , 9100 Gulf Freeway , Houston , TX 77017 . www . marriott . com / hotels / travel / houhhhouston-hobby-airport-marriott /. Free parking ! $ 79 HR valid until 6 / 30 ( includes free hot breakfast buffet !), Reserve early ! 713-943-7979 , Group Code : CHESS . 4 Sections based on age as of 1 / 1 / 2012 : Under 21 , Under 15 , Under 11 and Under 8 . July Rating Supplement . U21 : $ 500 + entry to 2013 US Junior Closed - $ 250- $ 125- $ 75- $ 50 . Individual plaques to top five overall , plaques for best player age 18 , 17 , 16 , 15 , Under 15 , and for ratings U1600 , U1400 , U1200 . U21 is also FIDE rated . U15 : Individual trophies to top ten overall , trophies for best player age 14 , 13 , 12 , 11 , Under 11 , and for ratings U1400 , U1200 , U1000 . U11 : Individual trophies to top ten overall , trophies to best player age 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , Under 7 , and for ratings U1200 , U1000 , U800 . U8 : Individual trophies to top ten overall , best player age 7 , 6 & Under , and for ratings U1000 , U800 , U600 ; honorable mention trophies for all others U8 . Commemorative medals for all participants . Teams : Trophies to top three school teams and top club team in each of the four sections . Top four scores , minimum of three , count towards team score in each section . Byes : One half-point bye , any round except Rd 6 , if requested before Rd 1 . EF : $ 35 postmarked or on line by 7 / 2 , $ 50 after 7 / 2 ; no checks on site . Schedule : Onsite registration , Fri 8:30 – 11:00am . Opening Ceremony , Fri 12:45pm . Rounds , Fri 1pm & 6pm ; Sat 9:30am & 2:15pm ; Sun 9am & 1:30pm . Awards Ceremony 6:00pm ( approx ). Side Events : Blitz , U21 & U11 . Sat 6:30pm , EF : $ 15 by 7 / 2 , $ 20 on site . Bughouse : One section , Sat ASAP after Blitz , EF : $ 25 per team , on site only . Parents and Friends Tournament ( not rated ): 3SS , G / 30 , Sat , Rds 10:30 , 2:30 & 4:00pm . EF : $ 20 , on site only . Prizes : Trophies to top three plus one USCF Premium membership for each five participants . ENTRIES : Mail to Francisco L . Guadalupe , 305 Willow Pointe Dr ., League City , TX 77573 . Info : flguadalupe @ aol . com . Enter online at : www . active . com / event _ detail . cfm ? event _ id = 2015371 . Note : Active . com charges a small fee . Phone entries : ( 713 ) 530-7820 . Add $ 3 ( per player ) for phone entries . Tournament website link at : http :// main . uschess . org / content / view / 10014 / 95 . Chess Magnet School JGP .
Aug . 4-8 , Washington 2012 Trophies Plus U . S . Girls Junior Open Championship 6SS , G90 + 30 seconds . Hilton Vancouver Washington ( see U . S . Open ). Open to all females born after 8 / 4 / 1991 not 7 / 30 / 90 . Must be US resident to qualify for Scholarship money . EF : Free if playing in U . S . Open ( must play in 6-Day or 4-Day Schedule ), otherwise $ 50 mailed by 7 / 29 not 7 / 24 or on line by 7 / 29 not 7 / 27 , $ 60 at site . Prizes : 1st Place : $ 500
Scholarship and Plaque ; 2nd Place : $ 350 Scholarship and Plaque ; 3rd Place : $ 150 Scholarship and Plaque ; Plaques to Top A , B , C , D , E , Unr . Registration ends Sat 6pm not 6:30 pm , Rds . Sat 7 pm , Sun / Mon 12 noon & 7 pm , Tue 11 am . Ent : USCF ( Girls Junior Open ), PO Box 3967 , Crossville , TN 38557 . Online entry : https :// secure . uschess . org / webstore / tournaments . php ? wkevent = 2012GirlsJrOpen . Chess Magnet School JGP .
A Heritage Event ! Aug . 4-12 , 7-12 or 9-12 , Washington Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 300 113th annual U . S . Open Includes traditional one game per day schedule ( 9 days ), also 6-day slow time control option , and 4-day option requiring only 3 nights hotel stay for most players . 9SS , 40 / 2 , SD / 1 , D5 ( 4 day option , Rds . 1-6 , G / 60 , D5 ). Hilton Vancouver Washington , 301 W . 6th Street , Vancouver , WA 98660 . Self Parking $ 13.00 , valet $ 17.00 per night . HR : $ 110 single / quad , 360- 993-4500 , reserve by July 12 or rate may increase . $ 50,000 in prizes based on 500 paid entries , else proportional , $ 40,000 ( 80 % of each prize ) minimum guaranteed . A one section tournament with Class prizes . Top US player not otherwise qualified qualifies for 2013 US Championship . Choice of three schedules : Traditional : 40 / 2 , SD / 1 , D5 . One round daily at 7 pm , except Rd 9 , 3 pm 8 / 12 . 6-Day Option : 7 pm 8 / 7 , 12 noon & 7 pm 8 / 8-10 , 7 pm 8 / 11 , 3 pm 8 / 12 . 4-Day Option : 1 pm , 4 pm & 7 pm 8 / 9 ; 10 am , 1 pm , 3:30 pm & 7 pm 8 / 10 , 7 pm 8 / 11 , 3 pm 8 / 12 . All schedules merge after Round 6 & compete for same prizes . Projected prizes : Top places $ 8000-4000-2000-1500-1000-700-500-400 , clear winner or playoff $ 200 bonus . If tie for first , top two on tiebreak play speed game ( White 5 minutes , Black 3 minutes and gets draw odds , 5 second delay ) for bonus and title . Class Prizes : Top Master ( 2200-2399 ) $ 2400-1200- 600-300 , Expert ( 2000-2199 ) $ 2400-1200-600-300 , Class A ( 1800-1999 ) $ 2400-1200-600-300 , Class B ( 1600-1799 ) $ 2400-1200-600-300 , Class C ( 1400-1599 ) $ 2000-1000-500-300 , Class D ( 1200-1399 ) $ 1500-700-400- 200 , Class E or below ( under 1200 ) $ 1200-600-400-200 , Unrated $ 700-400-200 . Special prizes for Life Titles : Top Life Senior Master Under 2500 : $ 600 . Top Life Master , ( or Original Life Master ) Under 2300 : $ 600 . Top Candidate Master ( or higher title ) Under 2100 : $ 500 . Top First Category ( or higher title ) Under 1900 : $ 500 . Top Second Category ( or higher title ) Under 1700 : $ 500 . Top Third Category ( or higher ) Under 1500 : $ 400 . Top Fourth Category ( or higher ) Under 1300 : $ 300 . Life Titles must be established by August 1 , 2012 . Special life title prizes will be calculated and awarded August 24 , 2012 . Half Point Byes : must commit before Round 4 ; up to 3 byes allowed for 2000 / up , 2 byes for 1400-1999 , one bye for Under 1400 / Unr . Limit 1 bye in last two rounds . Zero point byes are always available in any round . Entry Fee : Online , $ 145 by 6 / 17 , $ 165 by 7 / 29 , $ 185 after 7 / 29 . By mail , $ 147 postmarked by 6 / 17 , $ 167 postmarked by 7 / 29 ; do not mail after 7 / 29 ! By phone , $ 150 by 6 / 17 , $ 170 by 7 / 29 , $ 185 after . No phone entries after 8 / 2 ( close of business at the Office )! At site , all $ 190 ; GMs free . All entries must be made at least 2 hours prior to your first game . Current USCF membership required . August official ratings used ; unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated . CCA ratings used if above USCF . Foreign player ratings : usually 100 points added to FIDE or FQE , 200 + added to most foreign national ratings , no points added to CFC . Highest of multiple ratings generally used . Entries : USCF , ATTN : 2012 U . S . Open , PO Box 3967 , Crossville , TN 38557 . Online entry : https :// secure2 . uschess . org / webstore / tournament . php ? wkevent = 2012USOPEN . Phone entry : 800-903- 8723 . FIDE rated , No cell phones . Bring a clock -- none supplied . Sets / boards supplied for tournament but not for skittles . Many meetings , workshops and seminars , including : USCF Committee Meetings 8 / 8- 10 , USCF Awards Luncheon 8 / 11 noon , USCF Delegates Meeting 8 / 11-12 . Many side events and other championships , including : Women ’ s U . S . Open ( see separate TLA for the Women ' s event ), U . S . Open Blitz Championship 7SS Double , 12noon 8 / 11 ; Weekend Swiss 5SS G / 60 , 10-1-3:30 Sat 8 / 4 , 10 & 1 Sun 8 / 5 ; U . S . Open Scholastic ( see separate TLA for the Scholastic event ); U . S . Open Quads G / 30 12-1:30-2:30 Mon , Wed , Thu , Fri ; U . S . Open G / 15 Championship 12-1-2-3-4 Wed 8 / 8 ; U . S . Open Bughouse Sun . 7:00 pm 8 / 6 . 16th Annual Golf Tournament for the U . S . Open Chess Players , ( see tournament website for details ). U . S . Open Tennis Tournament ( see tournament website for details ). In addition , three other championships will also take place : the 2012 Denker Tournament of HS Champions , the 2012 Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions , and the 2012 Trophies Plus U . S . Girls Junior Open ( see separate TLA for the Girls event ). Please check the U . S . Open website often for updates , new information and corrections ! www . us chess . org / tournaments / 2012 / usopen /. FIDE . Chess Magnet School JGP for U . S . Open .
Aug . 8-12 , Washington 2012 Women ’ s U . S . Open
5SS , Game 90 + 30 Seconds . Hilton Vancouver Washington , 301 W . 6th Street , Vancouver , WA 98660 . Self Parking $ 13.00 , valet $ 17.00 per night . HR : $ 110 single / quad , 360-993-4500 , reserve by July 12 or rate may increase . $ 2000 Guaranteed . EF : $ 50 . One section with class prizes . Prizes : $ 500 (+ trophy ), $ 300 , $ 200 . Class Prizes : U2000 , U1800 , U1600 , U1400 , U1200 : $ 200 each . Rounds : 8 / 8 to 8 / 11 , 11:00 AM , 8 / 12 , 10:00 AM . Half point byes : Limit 1 , must commit before Round 2 . Entry Fee : Online , $ 50 by August 7th . By mail , $ 50 postmarked by 7 / 29 ; do not mail after 7 / 29 ! By phone , $ 50 by 8 / 7 . No phone entries after 8 / 7 ( close of business at the Office )! At site , all $ 50 . Registration At site closes August 8 at 10:00 AM . August official ratings used ; unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated . CCA ratings used if above USCF . Foreign player ratings : usually 100 points added to FIDE or FQE , 200 + added to most foreign national ratings , no points added to CFC . Highest of multiple ratings generally used . Entries : USCF , ATTN : 2012 U . S . Women ’ s Open , PO Box 3967 , Crossville , TN 38557 . Online entry : www . uschess . org / tournaments / 2012 / womens /. Phone entry : 800-903-8723 . No cell phones . Bring a clock -- none supplied . Sets / boards supplied for tournament but not for skittles . Please see the US Open TLA for side events , committee meetings , delegate meetings and other events held during the Open . Please check the U . S . Open website often for updates , new information and corrections ! www . uschess . org / tournaments / 2012 / womens /. Chess Magnet School JGP .
Aug . 24-25 , Pennsylvania 2012 U . S . Blind Chess Championship USCF & U . S . Braille Chess Association ( USBCA ) are sponsoring this USCF National event . 4 SS or 4 RR ( depends on # of players ), G / 135 . Holiday Inn Express Hotel , 5311 Campbells Run Road ( near airport ), Pittsburgh , PA 15277 , ( 412 ) 788-8400 . Free shuttle to / from airport . EF : Free . Reg .: Onsite - Thurs . 6-8pm , Fri . 9-9:30am . Rds .: ( tentative ), Fri . 10-4 , Sat . 9- 3 . Prize Fund : $ 1,400 GTD : 1st : $ 400 , 2nd : $ 300 , 3rd : $ 200 , 4th : $ 100 , $ 100- Best player U1400 , $ 100- Class E ( 1000-1199 ), $ 100- Class F ( 800-999 ), $ 100- Best Unrated player . NOTE : All players must be classified as Legally Blind and bring proof . USCF membership required ; join for $ 18 at event ! HR : $ 99 nite ; code : USB . Contact : Rick Varchetto , richard 521 @ suddenlink . net . Phone :( h ) 304-636-4034 , ( c ) 304-614-4034 or Joan DuBois , tla @ uschess . org , ( c ) 931-200-3412 . Chess Magnet School JGP .
Aug . 30-Sept . 3 , North Carolina Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 200 ( Enhanced ) 2012 U . S . Masters Championship 9-SS 40 / 90 , SD / 60 , inc . 30 . Embassy Suites Airport , 204 Centreport Dr ., Greensboro , NC 27409 , ( 336 ) 668-4535 , mention Group Name , “ North Carolina Chess Association ” for discounted hotel rate . GM and IM norms may be possible ! $ 17000 in prizes UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED ! $ 5000- 3000-1750-1250-1000-750-500-350-250-150 U2450 1500-1000-500 . EF : $ 150 if received by August 15 $ 200 later or on site . GM ' s and foreign IM ' s Free . No money taken out of winnings to reimburse for EF . This tournament is open only to players who have ratings over 2200 , those who have ever been so rated , all foreign FIDE-rated players , and juniors ( under age 21 ) rated over 2000 . RDS .: Aug 30 7:30PM then 11-7:30 , 11-7:30 , 11-7:30 , 11-7:30 . HR : $ 99 All rooms are suite style . Free made to order breakfast daily , free manager ' s reception nightly , and free airport shuttle available for all guests . Advance Entry Send checks to : Walter High , 105 North Crabtree Knoll , Chapel Hill , NC 27514 . Make checks payable to : NCCA . On site entry will be available on August 30 from 2-7PM . BYES : A maximum of two byes allowed . Byes must be requested before the start of round 2 . No last round byes . INFO : Gary Newsom , gary . newsom @ queencitychess . com or Walter High wmhigh @ nc . rr . com . More info including pre-entrylistsmaybeavailable at : ncchess . org . FIDE rated . No smoking . No computers . Chess Magnet School JGP .
Sept . 21-23 or 22-23 , Texas Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 50 ( Enhanced ) 2012 U . S . Class Championships 5SS , G / 120 , d5 ( 2-Day Option , Rd 1 , G / 60 , d5 ), $ 11,000 b / 200 full paid entries , 70 % Guaranteed . Junior entries in Class C and D , all Class E , and Unrated Section count as 2 / 3 . Free entry for GMs . Free entry for IMs , deducted from winnings . July Rating Supplement used . Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport , 9100 Gulf Freeway , Houston , TX 77017 , www . marriott . com / hotels / travel / houhh-houston-hobby-airport-marriott /. Free parking ! $ 87 HR ! 713-943-7979 , Group Code : CHESS . 8 Sections , Rated players may play up one class only . MASTER ( 2200 / up ), FIDE Rated , $ 1,250-650-400 ( U2400 : 400-200-100 ), EXPERT ( 2000-2199 ), $ 800-400- 200 , CLASS A ( 1800-1999 ), $ 800-400-200 , CLASS B ( 1600-1799 ), $ 800-400-200 , CLASS C ( 1400-1599 ), $ 800-400-200 , CLASS D ( 1200- 1399 ), $ 800-400-200 , CLASS E ( U1200 ), $ 300-200-100 , Unrated , $ 300-100 . National Class Champion title and plaques to each Class winner . Tie-breaks : MSCO . EF : $ 75 postmarked or on line by 9 / 14 , $ 85 after . Special EF : $ 45 by 9 / 14 ($ 55 after ) for all players in Class E , Unrated Section , and Juniors U18 in Class C or D . 3-Day Schedule : Registration Fri ( 10 / 1 ) 5-7pm . Rds . Fri 8pm , Sat 1pm & 6:30pm , Sun 9:30am & 2:30pm . 2-Day Schedule : Registration Sat ( 10 / 2 ) 8-9am . Rds . Sat 10am , 1pm ( merges with 3-Day Schedule ) & 6:30pm , Sun 9:30am & 2:30pm . Byes for all rounds , must commit before end of Rd 2 . SIDE EVENTS : 5-min BLITZ , Sat after Rd 3 , 2 sections , Open and U1800 ( uses Regular USCF ratings ). $ 10 EF on site , 75 % returned in prizes ; SCHOLASTIC TOUR- NAMENT , 5SS , G / 30 , d5 , One day only , Sat 10 / 2 , $ 20 by 9 / 24 , $ 25 after . Sections : K-3 , K-6 , K-9 , K-12 . Prizes : Trophies to top 15 individuals and plaques to top 3 teams in each division , top four players from one school count for team score , minimum of two . Scholastic players will receive a commemorative medal . ENTRIES : Check payable to Francisco L . Guadalupe and mail to 305 Willow Pointe Dr ., League City , TX 77573 . On line : www . active . com / more-sports-tournament / houston-tx / us-classchess-championships-2012 . Tournament website link at : http :// main . us chess . org / content / view / 10014 / 95 . Info : flguadalupe @ aol . com . Phone Entries ( 713 ) 530-7820 . Chess Magnet School JGP .
Grand Prix
July 7-8 , California , Southern Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 6 LACC - Our 10-Year Anniversary !! ( Co-sponsored by Harold Valery MD , Inc .) Open ( 6SS , G / 60 , no time delay ). 11514 Santa Monica Blvd ., LA 90025 , 2nd fl . 2 Sections : OPEN / U1800 . EF : $ 70 at the door ($ 65 if received by 7 / 6 ); $ 60 LACC members ($ 55 if received by 7 / 6 ); Siblings $ 15 off , $ 40 new LACC members , Free new LACC Life members ! 20 % off EF for each friend you bring in . Reg .: Sat 10-11:30 am . Rds .: 12 , 2 , 4 pm each day . Byes : Up to three 1 / 2- point byes available . 1-Day option I : Play 1 day- no 1 / 2 pt byes- 1 / 2 EF . 1-Day option II : Play 1 day & receive three 1 / 2 pt byes- full EF . Prizes : $$ 1,500 Cash & Gift Cards ( b / 45 , 2 / 3 Guaranteed ). 1st-3rd $ 400-200- 75 U2200 : $ 125 . U1800 : $ 200-100 ; U1600 : $ 100 – 50- $ 25 ; U1400 : $ 100-50 ; U1200 / unrated : $ 75 . Ent : LACC , Box 251774 , LA , CA 90025 . Info : Mick Bighamian : Cell ( 310 ) 795-5710 ; Mick @ LAChessClub . com or www . LA ChessClub . com . Parking : Free street & BoA Parking ; or building basement ($ 5 ). Chess Magnet School JGP .
A Heritage Event ! July 12 , New York Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points : 10 ( Enhanced ) 10 Grand Prix Points Tonight , Now At The New Yorker Hotel-USCF ’ s Longest-Running Action Tournament !! The “ 10 Grand Prix Points Tonight !” tournament originally scheduled for July 12 has been replaced with the 25th Annual Thursday
uschess . org Chess Life — July 2012 51