See previous issue for TLAs appearing July 1-14
Open & U2300 Sections are FIDE rated, except G / 50 games. In 10 sections: Open: $ 2500-1500-1000-700-500-400, clear or tiebreak first $ 200 bonus, top Under 2500 / Unr $ 1200. Under 2300, Under 2100, Under 1900, Under 1700: each $ 1500-1000-700-500-400-300. Under 1500, Under1300: each $ 1200-800-600-500-400-300. Under 1100: $ 700-400- 300-200-100-100. Under 900: Trophies to first 10, top Unrated. Under 700: Trophiesto first 10, top Under 500, Under 300, Unrated. Prize limits: 1) If any post-event rating posted at uschess. org 8 / 13 / 11-8 / 13 / 12 ismore than 30 points over section maximum, prize limit $ 800. 2) Unrated( 0-3 lifetime games rated) cannot win over $ 200 in U1100, $ 400 U1300, $ 600 U1500, $ 800 U1700 or $ 1000 U1900. 3) Balance of limited prize goes tonextplayer( s) in line. Top 7 sections EF: 3-day $ 163, 2-day $ 162 if check mailed by 8 / 8, all $ 165 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 13, $ 170 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8 / 13, $ 180 at site. Under 1100 Section EF: 3-day $ 83, 2-day $ 82 if check mailed by 8 / 8, all $ 85 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 13, $ 90 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8 / 13, $ 100 at site. Under 900 or Under 700 Section EF: 3-day $ 33, 2-day $ 32 if check mailed by 8 / 8, all $ 35 online at chesstour. com by 8 / 13, $ 40 phoned to 406-896-2038 by 8 / 13, $ 50 at site. No phone entry after 8 / 13. Online late entry is available between 8 / 14 and two hours before round 1, with same fee as at site. Unofficial uschess. org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Special 1 year USCF membership with paper magazine if paid with entry: Online at chesstour. com, Adult $ 30, Young Adult $ 20, Scholastic $ 15. Mailed, phoned or paid at site, Adult $ 40, Young Adult $ 30, Scholastic $ 20. No checks at site, credit cards OK. No mailed credit card entries. Reentry: $ 80, no re-entry from Open Section to Open Section. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 11 am, rds Fri 12 & 7, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 2-day schedule: Reg. ends Sat. 9 am, rds Sat. 10, 12:45, 3:15 & 6, Sun 10 & 4:30. 3-day & 2-day merge & compete for same prizes. Under 900 & Under 700 schedule: Reg. endsSat. 9am, rds10, 12:45, 3:15 each day. Byes: all; limit 2, Open must commit before rd 2, others before rd 3. Bring sets, boards, clocks if possible- none supplied. HR: $ 175-175-195- 210( rates for 3 or 4 in room are for 2 beds), 1-800-764-4680, 212-971- 0101, reserve by 7 / 27 or rate may increase, ask for Continental Chess Association rate. Car rentals: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD # D657633 or reserve car online at chesstour. com. Foreign player ratings: see www. chesstour. com / foreignratings. htm. US player ratings: August official ratings used; FIDE ratings not used. Ent: Continental Chess,
Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Questions: 845-496-9658, www. chesstour. com. $ 15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries will be posted at chesstour. com. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, South Carolina Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 Columbia Open Hilton Garden Inn, 434 Columbiana Dr., Columbia, SC 29212. $ 3600 b / 65. 5SS, G / 120 / d5( 2 day Rd 1 G / 90 / d5). In 4 Sections: Open: $ 500- 250-175. Top U2200 $ 125 U2000: U1600: U1200: $ 400-200-150 Top U1800: U1400: U1000 $ 100. ALL: EF: $ 59 by Aug 9. $ 75 after. Free entry to 2200 +( deduct $ 59 from prizes). $ 25 Re-entry. Memb. Req ' d: SCCA $ 10. OSA. 1 half pt bye available. Must declare before Rd 3. ENT: DanielM. Smith, 407 WhiteFalls Dr., Columbia, SC 29212, www. columbia chess. com. INFO: Daniel M. Smith, Bob Halliday daniel @ columbiachess. com, bob @ columbiachess. com. 3 Day: Reg Ends 7:15 pm Fri Rd1 8pm, Rd2 Sat 2 & 7 pm Sun 9am 2pm. 2 Day Reg Ends 9:15 am Sat Rd1 10am merge with 3 Day. HR: $ 89 803 407-6640. Reserve by Aug. 1, Mention Columbia Open Chess Tournament. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 18, New Jersey Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10( Enhanced) Luzviminda Machan 3 Open 4-SS, G / 45. Once a month. EF: $ 40, members $ 30, GMs free($ 25 deducted from prize). $$ G200-150-100-50. Prizes to U2200, U1800, U1400, and U1000( Trophies). Reg.: 1pm-1:30pm. Rds.: 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 5pm, 6:45pm. One bye available, commit at least 15 min prior the game. 1531 Irving St., Rahway, NJ 07065.( 732) 499-0118 /( 760) 583-8429. NOTE: Chess Mates Summer Camps( June 25-September 7). Please visit www. chessmatesnj. com for details.
Aug. 18, Tennessee Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 Mike Barton Memorial 2 2 sections: Open and U1200 Scholastic. 4SS, G / 60. Site: Greater Memphis Chess Center, 5796 Shelby Oaks Dr., Suite 11, Memphis, TN 38134. EF: Open $ 30, $ 25 for members. U1200 Scholastic: $ 20, $ 15 for members. Open Prizes: $ 300, $ 200, $ 100, Top U1800 and U1600: $ 50 each. U1200 scholastic Prizes: Gift certificates from chess central for top 3:
$ 125, $ 75, $ 50. Rounds( G / 60): 10-1-3-5. Onsite Registration 08 / 18: 7:30- 9:30am. Entries: Memphis Chess Club Inc., PO Box 17864, Memphis, TN 38187-0864. TD: Gary Pylant, gpylant @ gmail. com,( 901) 359-8616. www. memphischess. com.
Aug. 18, Tennessee Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 20th Battle of Murfreesboro 5-SS, rd. 1 G / 25d5, rd. 2 G / 55d5, rds. 3, 4, 5 G / 70d5. Grace Lutheran Church, 811 E. Clark Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN. EF: $ 25 by 8 / 16, $ 30 at site. $$( 1160, top 2 G, class prizes b / 6 entries per class, else proportional): $ 200-120, X, A, B, C, D, E / below, Unr. each $ 120. Reg.: 8:00-8:45am. Rds.: 9:00-10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30. Free lunch for all participating players. Ent: Rutherford County Chess Club, P. O. Box 1593, Murfreesboro, TN 37133. http:// rccc. us /( with map to site), rccc @ rccc. us 615-895-7989. NS. NC. W. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 18, Virginia Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 Tracy Callis Jr. Memorial 3-Round SS, Game / 90 w / 5 second delay. St. John’ s Lutheran Church, 4608 Brambleton Ave. SW, Roanoke, VA 24018. GUARANTEED PRIZES: Top Section: $ 250- $ 150- $ 100. Additional Sections: If Octagonals, each guaranteed $ 150- $ 125. If Hexagonals, each guaranteed $ 125- $ 100. If Quads, each guaranteed $ 125. ENTRY FEE: If received by Aug 17, $ 30.00 At site, $ 40.00. REGISTRATION: 6-9 pm on 8 / 17; 8:30-9:30 am on 8 / 20. ROUNDS: 10-2:30-6:30. BYES: One only per player; must request in advance. ADVANCED ENTRIES: Roanoke Valley Chess Club, P. O. Box 14143, Roanoke, VA 24038. PHONE:( 276) 692-6418. EMAIL: info @ roanoke chess. com. WEB PAGE: roanokechess. com. Bargain Book Sale on site. FREE LUNCH PROVIDED! A VCF Cup Event. NS. NC. W.
Aug. 18-19, Michigan Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 2012 U. P. Open Location: Masonic Building, 128 W. Washington St., Marquette, MI( parking and entrance in rear of building). 5SS / G 2 hr( no time delay). Entry Fee: $ 30($ 20 for juniors 19 or under). Prizes: $ 250( GTD) first place, $ 125( GTD) second, others based on entries. Trophy to top UP resident. Reg.: 9-9:30 Sat. Rounds: Sat 10:00, 2:30, 7:00; Sun 9:30, 2:00-all
Cajun Chess 7230 Chadbourne Drive New Orleans, LA 70126 504-208-9596 cajunchess @ yahoo. com www. cajunchess. com
Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis 4657 Maryland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63108. 314-361-CHESS info @ stlouischessclub. org www. stlouischessclub. org
Continental Chess Association PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. 845-496-9658 chesstour @ aol. com www. chesstour. com
Dallas Chess Club 200 S. Cottonwood Dr. Suite C Richardson, TX 75080 972-231-2065 info @ dallaschess. com www. dallaschess. com
International Chess Academy( NJ) 28 Canterbury Lane New Milford, NJ 07646 201-287-0250 diana @ icanj. net, www. icanj. net
Bay Area Chess( CA) www. BayAreaChess. com
Beverly Hills Chess Club( CA) www. bhchessclub. com
Indiana State Chess Association www. indianachess. org
Long Island Chess Nuts( NY) 516-739-3907
Marshall Chess Club 23 W. 10th St. New York, NY 10011 212-477-3716 admin @ marshallchessclub. org www. marshallchessclub. org
New Jersey State Chess Federation c / o Roger Inglis, 49-A Mara Rd. Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034 973-263-8696, rwij @ njoychess. com www. njscf. org
New York City Chess Inc c / o Russell Makofsky 230 Thompson Street New York, NY 10012, 212-475-8130 info @ chessnyc. com www. chessnyc. com
North American Chess Association 4957 Oakton Street, Suite 113 Skokie, IL 60077, 888.80. Chess sevan @ nachess. org www. nachess. org
PaperClip Pairings c / o J. Houghtaling Jr & Remy Ferrari 6005 Forest Blvd Brownsville, TX 78526, 956-459-2421 jejrhoughtaling @ bisd. us
Michigan Chess Association www. michess. org
Monmouth Chess School & Club( NJ) www. monmouthchess. com
Oklahoma Chess Foundation www. OKchess. org
Our Lady of Sorrows Academy( AZ) professor. revesz @ gmail. com
San Diego Chess Club 2225 Sixth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101, 619-239-7166 chucnglo @ aol. com http:// sdchessclub. multiply. com
Shore HS Chess League PO Box 773 Lincroft, NJ 07738 shorehschessleague @ yahoo. com
Silver Knights Chess 3929 Old Lee Hwy Ste 92D Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-574-2070 www. silverknightschess. com chess @ silverknightschess. com
Texas Tech University SPICE Box 45080, Lubbock, TX 79409 806-742-7742 SPICE @ ttu. edu, www. SPICE. ttu. edu
Tri-State Chess The Chess Exchange 325 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128, 212-289-5997 info @ TriStateChess. com www. TriStateChess. com
Village Chess Shop of NYC c / o Michael Propper 230 Thompson Street New York, NY 10012 212-475-9580 info @ chess-shop. com www. chess-shop. com
Sparta Chess Club( NJ) www. spartachessclub. org
Success Chess School( CA) www. successchess. com
Western PA Youth Chess Club( PA) www. youthchess. net
Any affiliate that has submitted at least 50 USCF memberships during the current or previous calendar year, or is the recognized State Affiliate, is eligible to become a Gold Affiliate. Gold Affiliates are honored in a special list in larger type in Tournament Life each month, giving the affiliate name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and website. Gold Affiliation costs $ 350 per year, and existing affiliates may substract $ 3 for each month remaining on their regular affiliation, or $ 20 for each month remaining on their Silver Affiliation. As of August 6, 2007, by paying an annual payment of $ 500( instead of $ 350), Gold Affiliate status may be obtained with no minimum requirement for memberships submitted.
Any affiliate that has submitted at least 25 USCF memberships during the current or previous calendar year, or is the recognized State Affiliate, is eligible to become a Silver Affiliate. These affiliates will be recognized in a special list in Tournament Life each month, giving the affiliate name, state, and choice of either phone number, e-mail address, or website. Silver Affiliation costs $ 150 per year, and existing affiliates may subtract $ 3 for each month remaining on their regular affiliation. As of August 6, 2007, by paying an annual payment of $ 250.00( instead of $ 150), Silver Affiliate status may be obtained with no minimum requirement for memberships submitted.
uschess. org Chess Life— July 2012 57