hysical Mediumship is by no means a new style of working, in trying to prove without a doubt, soul survival beyond death. It has been practiced for centuries, albeit behind closed doors and in dimly lit rooms, naturally causing doubt and fraudulent acts. Helen Duncan working with her guide Albert is reportedly one of the best known Physical Mediums to date. It was on one such occasion during the 2nd world war, whilst Helen was conducting a Physical séance, in red light conditions, that a connection was made with the Spirit of a young sailor. He was in full manifestation, wearing his sailor’s uniform, the name of his ship, clearly seen on his service cap HMS Barham . Witnessed by over 20 sitters. All those present heard him, in his own voice, clearly recall the last moments of his life aboard the ship. He stated he had drowned; he reported a torpedo had hit the ship and that his vessel had been sunk, in enemy action. He talked of top secret missions that only the authorities would have known about. The sailor was said to have been known to one of the sitter, hence his appearance. Several months later the admiralty released a press announcement confirming the Barham had been bombed and all aboard had drowned, thus validating the Spirit communication. Helens name was drawn to the attention of the admiralty of her work and news of the sailor materialising recalling evidence of happenings and events that were top secret. Helen was now a threat to national security, especially as the D Day landings were being planned. Fears were, if more secret information was to be leaked out it would compromise Britain’s security. The Government of the day authorised that she be arrested as a spy and then as a witch. Helen was the last person to be tried under the antic rated Witchcraft Act of 1735 and was found guilty and served 9 months in prison. Many witnesses came forward to testify her true genuine ability. She was said to have offered a séance, under strict conditions in the court room to validate her ability and innocence, this was declined. In November 1956 police raided a séance, conducted by Helen where an ectoplasmic form was grabbed. It is reported that under cover police men were amongst the sitters, witnessing at first hand what they believed to be regurgitated cheesecloth coming from the spirit cabinet but was in fact an ectoplasmic spirit form. Helen was strip searched for fraudulent practices. But nothing was found. In their ignorance the police had committed the worst possible sin of physical phenomena; that neither ectoplasm nor a Medium in trance should EVER, be touched. As the Spirit teachers have explained so many times, when this happens, the ectoplasm returns to the medium's body far too quickly and can cause immense sometimes even fatal - damage. When in trance a Medium’s body is often highly sensitive and vulnerable, as was in this
case. A doctor was summoned and discovered two, second degree burns across Helen's stomach. She was so ill that she was immediately taken back to her Scottish home and later rushed to hospital. Five weeks after that police raid she was dead. To this day there is an active campaign to clear Helen Duncan’s name. Sadly in the last 20-30 years there has been a decline in any form of tangible evidence from Physical Mediusmhip, of soul survival. We remain reliant of evidence obtained from history books. The phenomena seen was amazing. Unfortunately, these days it is quite rare to see it. We must ask ourselves why this is the case, especially in the light of modern technology, being able to capture evidence via video or photographic means as well as an increase in development circles since the start of the 21st century, but not necessarily physical mediumship circles. Combining our years of experience and both being natural born physical Mediums, we have dedicated time and effort into developing physical mediumship, of which takes many years of devotion and patience to develop. Jo & I work with various forms of lighting so that tangible physical evidence can be captured throu ????\?[???Y[??[[Z[?]H[?H??H??X??\?H???]Y??H??????]?[??H??X?\??Y][?[X??\?H\?[??X??X[?[Y\?[??X??H?]H?YH[?\??H?X??\?[?[?^X?Y[??YY[?]?\?]???Y???\?????H\?YX\???H\?H?[^\?[Y[?[???]\?[?\??H?]\?H\?[?[?[Y?[??H]??Y\??]]\?]?\?????\]Y\???X?\??[??[?????\?[???H[?\?X\?[H???\Y??]H?H]?H\???\?Y]H[?\??H[?HX??\?H???Z^??]?\?^H?????YH?H?YK?^[Y?X[?Y?\?][??]\?X[\?][?\??\?H?\?K\?\???\\?HX??\?H?X?[????\?]X[?Y?\?][?????\?\??X\?H?Y[????HHX??HX?\?K?\\?Y?H[?][?[???Y[?]?H??\????????H[???\?Y?H[][?Yx?&\??^\?[Y[??]Z\???\]Z\Y[???[^H?\??[?[??[????[[Z[?]\?[?H[Y?][????X??\?H???]Y???[?[??[Y[?\?H\?Y?[?H??\?[XY?\??\\?Y^H\?H[[?Z\??]??Y?K??H]?HH\??H???[?????\X?[??Y[?]?Y[??H?X??H???]?\?????????\??\?[?X?\?\???\?\?YX?]HH[?\??[?[??[??[??\\??\?X?[YY][\?\??H\?H?\??[?H??[???????[?X[?H??[?Y\???Y??]HYX\??X\?H??X?\????\?\?]Z[???[[?H?H[?\?\?[??[?][?[???Z[XX???? ?????Y^H??˜?\?]???^[????B??H?\????[?HX\?[?????\?[?????\?H??YY][\??\?]??X?[???[??H[??Y[?H\????]??YK?H?]??H?^H?\?]?ZY\??[?H?\??\?