Cheeky Angels - Edition 4 July 2013 | Page 13

Each of us has a Spirit Guide that is with us from birth and throughout our whole lives. This Guide is referred to as our . We have other Guides come and go along the way, but our Gatekeeper never leaves us. When we decide to work with Spirit it is most helpful to meet our Gatekeeper through meditation and to build up a relationship with them in order to further our growth. Our Gatekeeper will also be able to help us distinguish between different kinds of energies and protect us from the more negative ones. We simply have to ask our Gatekeeper to only let through Spirit that is there for good intention, and our Guides will accommodate. Also, when talking about protection, it is easy to put a white light protection around yourself. You can do this with visualization and intent by seeing, in your mind’s eye, a bubble of brilliant white light that is sent from the Universe completely surrounding you. In your heart you that this bubble will protect you from negative influence. The more you practice using this bubble, the stronger it becomes. Negative Spirits will give you a feeling that you are uncomfort