Cheeky Angels - Edition 4 July 2013 | Page 11

MANDY CARR International Spiritual Medium and Pet Psychic/Animal Communicator. YA very large clump of tea leaves indicates trouble. Near the handle trouble caused by your own making. Opposite the handle - the trouble is not your fault. YTea-stalks indicate people. Long stalks indicate men. Shorter stalks indicate women. Pale or dark stalks indicate colouring. Slanted stalks indicate untrustworthy people. Tea leaf readers from all cultures based their readings on objects and images which were common in everyday life. Natural forces like the weather, or animals, people, and even man-made objects each may turn up as a tea leaf symbol. Some modern readers have added contemporary symbols to the list of possible images, for example, using cars to represent travel or roller coasters to represent drama. Other readers are more old-fashioned and like to stick with the universal images that all people have witnessed in their daily lives for thousands of years. As long as the reader is good at interpretation, the images that they choose to work with don't really matter. In a tea leaf reading, it is not only the shape that the leaves form which counts. Readers also place importance on which area of the teacup the leaves stick to. For instance, leaves that land near the handle represent events which will happen to the questioner. Leaves on the opposite side from the handle indicate events outside of the questioner's life, perhaps happening to a family member or friend. Traditionally, leaves that end up near the rim of the teacup are good luck. Leaves settled closer to the bottom of the cup may show disappointment or challenges. A good reader, though, recognizes his responsibility to be helpful and clear with the person receiving a reading from him. It is not a reader's place to scare or depress his subject. All omens and shapes in the cup can be seen as positive, because as we all know, it is sometimes necessary to endure great challenges before we can reap the appropriate rewards. We make many choices in our life's journey, and each choice is an essential step towards learning and growth. A good reader will respect this and guide his questioner in working through any upcoming challenges. Tea leaf symbols are broken down into four main categories. They are: These include all symbols having to do with the outside elements and their influence on us. They can be seen as influences beyond our control, because nobody controls Mother Nature! Sometimes they can provide a warning of potential danger, or the coming of good luck, but mostly they represent the backdrop upon which we are staging our lives. These symbols are types of people or parts of the body (i.e. face, hands, eyes). These images are reflections of what role we are playing in our personal lives and which stage of wisdom we have reached. A person symbol can act as a short-term or long-term influence. Animal shapes represent our helpers on the Earth plane. The types of animals which appear in a tea leaf reading often mirror our hopes, fears, or dreams. They can also reveal personal qualities that we are expressing or show us the inner truth of how we are feeling. These include all the things that man has physically invented. They include tools, toys, clothes - you name it. When these kinds of symbols show up in a reading, they show us what we are doing with our lives. They reflect what we are creating and generating, be it positive energy or chaos. My areas of expertise are Medi V?6???V&?2FV???7G&F???2?BWF?&??r?7?&?GV??V??r?B????6???V??6F??r?76VBb?f??r??2vV??27?&?GV?6?V&?6W2f?"F?R??&R&?&?V?F?27?&?G2?B?6?&??&????fW7F?vF???2???fR&VV?6??'f???B6??6R&V??r6???6???B?BB??V?rvR?v2fV&gV??b?v?gB2F?W&Rv2??W???F???g&????&?G??B?6??bV?FW'7F?F??r?v?V??7VffW&VB6WfW&RG&V?2?&?6?VB??FRFVV?2?v?&?BGW&?VBW6?FRF?v??B'&?Vv?B&6??v?gBv?F?fV?vV?6R?F??2?VB?RF??V&???&R&?WB?B?BV?'&6R?B&V6W6R?66WFVB?Bv2?WfW"v???rF?v?v???????VBFWfV???V?B6?&6?Rv??6??V?VB?RF?6VRF?B?W?W&?V?6W2vW&R??F???rF?fV"???6?&V?6VBF?B?v2??B??FVBF??V??7?&?G2'WB?6?F?B?6?V?B???v?F?WG2&?F?76VB?B7F????f??r?B6???V??6FRf?FV?WF?????vW2?BfVV??w2v?F?F?V?????W&?W??2?VB?RF?v?BF??V??F?W'2F?V?FW'7F?BF?V?"W?W&?V?6W2?B??rF?66WBF?V?2?6?F?fRv?gB????r'V?FWfV???V?Bw&?W??6?Vff?V?BT?2vV??2???FW&?F????????RFWfV???V?Bw&?W??f6V&??????fR&VV?fVGW&VB??F?RB??????6?B?v???R??6??RW?v???R?B?F?d?&F????7?????F???r?V6W2?R??&RF??v?f??r&VF??w2?B'&??v??r6??f?'Bb&V77W&?6RF?F??6R???VVBv?WF?W"?B'&??rFV'2??Vv?FW"?&V77W&?6R?"6??7W&R?7?&?B&V??&Rv??FW&gV?&V??w2v??????fR??fR?Gf?6R?BwV?F?6R?B&?fR???W"&W7B??FW&W7G2B?V'B?wwr?F?WWB?7?6??2?6???wwr?6?VV???vV?6?v???R?vV'2?6????TŒ?TuU5@????