Life Coach |
I believe everything happens for a reason . I believe that we are creators of our own destiny . Is this a contradiction ? Can things happen to us without us creating them on some level first ? Can we be both passive subjects as our life takes course around us , and also active participants in the life we are creating ? I believe we can .... and we are . We think , we feel and we attract experiences to ourselves based on our vibrations , our thoughts , beliefs , fears and intentions . We create our futures based on our present thoughts . We attract experiences to us , that we need to grow , develop and expand in consciousness . we do not always consciously create our experiences , but sometimes we are forced into unforseen futures , because it is the experience that is necessary for our souls growth . Our soul is aware of what it needs , and need not consult the ego self for permission ... so it may sometimes appear as though we are powerless in creating and manifesting our ideal lives ..... but in reality , our soul self is creating ( your soul is you ) and our ego self ( the other half of you ) is not always a welcome member on the ' Life Path Committee '
We can undoubtedly influence our future by holding different thoughts about it . We can create . but we cannot control everything ( life events , loved ones passing etc ), and sometimes our attempts at manifesting , affirming and creating our way into a new future , onto a new path is premature ..... we may need to stay in the uncomfortable space , travel further along the bumpy road , until we have integrated the lesson firmly into our consciousness . But importantly , recognise that while we are travelling that road , we always have choices .... such as how we react , respond , think and feel . While we may not always have control over what events unfold in our life ..... we can always control our reaction to it .
To empower ourselves spiritually and personally , and to allow our powers of creation to strengthen , we need to accept responsibility for our life . We need to own our choices , our actions , our thoughts , our reactions and our feelings . If you are waiting for someone to change , or say sorry , or are blaming your childhood or something else out of your control , you are giving what you are focused on energy , and therefore you don ' t have your power , someone else or the past does !!
Take back your power by taking responsibility for your life ! Everything is a choice , the relationships you are in , the friends you have , the energy you take on , the way you respond to negative events , trauma , loss etc ... you chose your actions , words and feelings and how you deal with things is completely in your power . Live in
your power and give love to all that hurt you . That ' s a choice you can control . The fact that someone has hurt you is probably something that you couldn ' t control . Practice forgiveness , its empowering and I know its hard , I have done it , and it gets easier when you see how powerful you become from living this way ! Choose love . Choose happiness ! Choose positive thoughts .
Your thoughts are more powerful than anything else you have . They are your greatest asset and biggest setback . You own them . They attract things into your life continuously ...... if you believe yourself unworthy of true love .... it will elude you . If you believe you live a life of lack ..... it will be true for you . If you believe you deserve abundance , are worthy of it , ready it and have garnered the lessons you need to prepare you for it ..... it will appear to you . When it does and how it does may be beyond your creation ..... and exceed your expectations . You need to trust . Trust , have patience , flow along your path and keep your faith in you , the universe and your future .
I am a very positive , optimistic and happy person .. I stop myself immediately in the path of negative thoughts ... and if I didnt catch myself in time ... I try and erase any negative effects that I attracted from my negative thoughts with an outburst of positive thoughts ..... Then i worry that by only thinking positively , I am not being realistic . LOL . So , life is really one big challenge on our brains . But I think , balance is always key .... and by acknowledging negative thoughts , detaching from them and releasing them .... that ' s a healthy way to manage them ....
Ask the angels , AA Michael and your guides to remove any negative energy that is attached to you from thinking negative and fearful thoughts . Keep cleansing the energy , keep visualising success in all areas . think about the future you want .... and create it .... just be prepared to face some unforseen events along the way ..... life wasn ' t meant to be easy .... life is meant to make us grow .
Honor your journey , heed the lessons , open your eyes to the possibilities and have FAITH ! Have faith in your path , faith in your ability to handle what comes your way with dignity , integrity , honor and strength .
Have faith in being a creator of your future .... and trust that things happen for a reason . Its not a contradiction . : - )
I am a happy , fun loving woman who loves to help others laugh and reach their potential for happiness . I believe that we have all we need within us to live our best lives and I want to help others to light their fires from within . Lighting the fire under you does not get results … you need to own the change you seek . I will work with you to identify those changes needed for your happiness and we will have fun on the way to reaching your awesomeness !!
I have a Bachelor degree in Psychology , majoring in business , from Swinburne University , 2002 . I have over 15 years experience in the corporate environment , where I worked , trained and managed in recruitment , career coaching , strategic HR , training , small project management and business consulting in both private and public sectors , as well as real estate , hospitality , sales ... and now self employed and loving it . My business background has taught me about planning , goal setting and success , and I apply this understanding into my coaching sessions .
I have a wealth of personal and professional life experience and have overcome ( and am still overcoming ) many personal and professional challenges . I am committed to my own development and I am growing and learning everyday , in every way . I am a dedicated mother to two young boys , who are my inspiration to make the world a better place through my teaching and coaching .
I have completed several psychic development courses , including the Angel Intuitive certification , in 2009 , where I was trained by Doreen Virtue TM .
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