Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
There is so much talk out there about Chakra ’ s as well as much misinformation around about them , so I have decided to provide you with a guide to Chakra ’ s and throughout the other Editions we will explore each one , learn how to balance them , meditate with them and have fun with them !! So sit back , relax and enjoy !!!
Chakras , in Hindu and other belief systems , are centres of Pr a , life force , or vital energy . Chakra is a Sanskrit ( historical Indo-Aryan language ) word which means ‘ wheel ’. Our Human Energy Field ( Aura ) is an energetic , multi-dimensional field that surrounds our human body . This Human Energy Field has rivers of energy known as meridians ( many religions know this latent subtle energy is called Kundalini in Shaktism , and Tumo in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra ) which feed all organs within our bodies . These rivers are connected by seven Chakras . Chakra ’ s relate to not just to our emotional wellbeing but also our physical wellbeing , in particular , the endocrine system , spinal and central nervous system .
In fact , there are actually hundreds of Chakra ’ s within our body but it is the main 7 that connect and are the most powerful :
Sahasrara means 1000 petalled lotus which is purple in colour and generally considered to be the Chakra of pure consciousness . It is the seventh Chakra , found at the top of the head and is used as a tool to communicate with our spiritual nature , alongside the Brow Chakra , most commonly known as the ‘ Third Eye ’.
Ajna , the sixth Chakra , is symbolised by a lotus with two petals , and corr esponds to the colours violet , indigo or deep blue . It is found in the centre of the forehead and is more frequently referred to as the ‘ third eye ’ and most of us link the Third Eye to psychic perception .
Vishuddha is depicted as a silver crescent within a white circle , with 16 light or pale blue , or turquoise petals . It is the fifth Chakra and positioned at the neck / throat region . The colour blue and the position of this Chakra helps us easily identify it as the communication center .
The fourth Chakra , Anahata , is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve green petals . It is positioned in the central channel behind the spine at the heart region . As is the heart symbolism , this energy centre is about emotions , in particular love but it goes hand in hand with healing ( the colour green denotes this too ).
Manipura is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals , along with the color yellow .
Located in the area of the solar plexus , navel , and the digestive system it is the third Chakra . It is mainly responsible for the energies of power and will and it governs our self-esteem and personal power .
The second Chakra , Swadhisthana is symbolised by a white lotus within which is a crescent moon , with six vermillion , or orange petals . Located between the navel and the pubic bone , it is about feeling , sexuality and creativity .
The first Chakra , Muladhara , is symbolised by a lotus with four petals and the color red . It represents your foundation and is all about feeling grounded and secure . When these are out of alignment we can often tell as it is where we have issues with the part of the body that the Chakra is connected to . I will be going into more detail on each Chakra in the next 7 Editions but for example if you are having an emotional day then it is more than likely that the Root Chakra is out of alignment . I will reiterate here that this is not in substitution for medical advice .
We can balance the Chakra ’ s in a number of different ways , and it is up to the individual which is best for them but some will visualize each Chakra spinning clockwise , others will use guided meditations to help them and some will place the corresponding crystal on that Chakra . Of course some will use different combinations and others have their own unique ways .
I knew from an early age that I had an ability to talk to , hear and feel spirits but , like many , life took over !
My mother has always believed in me and nudged me in the right direction and I do have to thank her otherwise I would not be doing what I love to do . I have to thank my guides as well for their patience and support .
When my great grandmother died in the mid 1990 ’ s , i was having conversations with her and knew that this was not just part of the grieving process . I even kept seeing my guide , a Rabbi , in my bathroom and he was very real !! T his was when I decided to listen to what my guides were telling me , although I didn ’ t really understand at the time .
It was a chance reading by a good friend and Medium who told me that I wasn ’ t going mad and I indeed had a ‘ gift ’ which I needed to start to nurture and share .
I am also Reiki 1 attunded , and have a passion for crystals & pendulums ..
www . thetarotsays . webs . com
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 51