Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
I find myself right now under this powerful eclipse energy writing my first article for this awesome online magazine Cheeky Angels . I ponder what to share , what topic I should write about , how , when , and it occurs to me that all I have to do is share my heart , my truth and my whole vibrant being with you all . This leads me to the original idea and topic I had for this article which is “
”. How to live your truth in a world where being the same is pushed and may even seem like the only way to fit in .
I have always felt “ unique ” to say the very least , take one look at my astrology chart and even the world renowned astrologer Gary Goldschneider agreed . When I was growing up I always felt different and left out , little did I realise I was an Indigo child and a Lemurian , so I chose to experience some harshness from a young age for me to unfurrow out of it and be exactly where I am today . I feel like I have moved forward fearlessly and when I read my first self-help book , “ ” by Louise L Hay , well that was an “ aha ” moment and I KNEW with 100 % accuracy why I was here and what my life ’ s purpose was . I now feel whole in my entire being … whole , blessed and deeply grateful . This is my deepest wish and desire for everyone .
As we move into a brand new vibration we have to remember that labels , judgements , ideals , opinions , different perceptions and ideas are ALWAYS going to be a part of our journey and the way we deal with this is to respond and not react . Remember the Universe isn ’ t doing anything “ to ” us it ’ s just responding to what we are “ BEing ”. When we can honour what our heart feels , our soul longs for and our cells dance too I can promise you this , the Universe will shower you in abundance and many doors will open for you as a result of listening within then taking action . Live your truth courageously , openly and candidly ; people will always pick up and feel a true and authentic person . When you begin to practice non-attachment , nonjudgement and BE more accepting , embracing , loving and kind life becomes effortless ; a continuing flow off goodness , oneness and life becomes REAL .
It ’ s time to give up the word “ trying ” from our vocabulary and start BEing , start taking responsibility for all we create , focusing on what matters most in our lives , BEing grateful every single day for the little things which are really the big things , share our heart and truth with all whom we encounter , BE vulnerable and as we drop the barriers , walls and defences all that is left is graceful , blissful and abundant love . LOVE is all we are and to share this is one of the greatest accomplishments we can achieve while we are here on Earth . My nickname is “
” and this is so deeply humbling and very true .. I believe and feel it is so important to honour yourself , speak your truth kindly and assertively . To listen with the intent to understand people and to truly honour others in their space , giving them the time and attention they deserve is a truly rewarding practice . However of course there is a place to set healthy boundaries , but in this space please let go of the aggression , the negativity , the anger and the story that continues to hold you in a space of victim mentality . It ’ s time to BE IMpowered ; I ’ M powered , yes ; always remembering we are attracting into our lives the exact energy we are vibrating to . Our thoughts , actions , speech and feelings all must be in alignment and when this happens just watch and be a part of all the incredible miracles and divine synchronicities that will unfold in your life each and every day .
So how does all this lead to BEing you , BEing real and BEing authentic ? Well simple , start practising living your truth , listen to the messages that are received through your body , your heart and your soul , tap into your own infinite power , if something doesn ’ t feel right it probably isn ’ t and that ok .. Know that it is ok to be you , you are worth loving , you are worthy being listened to and you are worthy of acceptance just because you are here .
Embrace life with open arms , say YES to all that is here for you , this is your true BEing ; this is your inherent nature .
I want to honour each and every one of you for taking the time to read this article which flowed from my heart . It is my truth , my souls joy and a rewarding way to live your life . I am blessed to be a part of this journey with you here in such amazing and transformational times .. Until next time , In light and deep deep love Tiarnie Guided from Within xxx
Hi I am Tiarnie from Guided From Within and for the past 13 years I have deeply into becoming who I am in truth and creating an abundantly , fulfilling and joyous life . This is my greatest desire and wish I have for everyone , it is for you to truly honour who you are , live a life full of incredible opportunities being in sync with the Universe and shining your light .
We have ALL potential , wisdom , unlimited creation and love within us hence the reason I created my business " Guided from Within ". This represents who I am at the core of my being and I like to enable others to be able to tap into this energy within themselves . I use and practice an array of modalities and am passionate about each and everyone of them . From astrology to meditation , Chakras , crystals , to numerology , quantum physics and connecting with the Archangels . I have an abundant and unwavering trust in the Universe and I like to gently guide others to surrender and live from a space of acceptance and allowance in all the Universe has in stall for us . I facilitate workshops / retreats and circles using many of these beautiful tools on how to transform your life , take full responsibly for all you create and live from a space of love , joy and so much gratitude ...
As my journey continues to unfold I am in awe of the opening , depth and truth that is still to be revealed . I love transforming my world and feel honoured to assist and allow others to do the same thing in their lives . Life truly is a blessing of glorious grace and I am in deep gratitude each and every day .
Brightest blessings to you all as you discover who you are and learn to shine and live from your heartspace .. Namaste xxx
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 47