Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 49

You are an amazingly wise person ; you have intuition that encompasses the whole universe of knowledge . This knowledge is readily available to you upon request and especially through quiet meditation , and the more you call on this wonderful source of knowledge the more it becomes available at other times . Just a short 20 – 30 minute meditation every day or every other day is enough to get in touch with this glory box of knowledge . Meditation also helps to lower blood pressure , ease stress levels and assist with all round good general health .
Intuition is the voice or the feeling that you have that tells you where you will find the random item that seems to have escaped your vision for the moment . Often intuition is mistakenly thought to be spirit contact , or angelic contact . But that is because we are insecure beings when it comes to the idea that we are powerful beyond our imagination , and that we might actually have the ability to take the information directly from the universal consciousness ourselves . However , We . Are . Just . That . Good !! Each of us is in essence a being of energy , energy that forms individual souls , but linked and connected to the whole mass of energy that IS the Universe . We are all joined and we are all one . Think of the cells in your body , each cell is individual but each cell is part of you , each cell knows its place in your body and each cell can act according to the needs of the whole body . This is how we are in relation to each other within the Universe . Each individual but each part of the same whole AND each of us has the ability to do what is right for the whole on an individual level and to seek knowledge from another individual part of the whole .
Have you ever experienced déjà vu ? Have you ever been to a place or experienced an event in complete surety that you have never been there or experienced that event previously , and yet it all seems so familiar to you ? This could be the result of your higher self having shown you , subconsciously , the experience in a dream or meditation previously and yet consciously you cannot remember that event , so when you are actually going through the experience , that is why it seems to be familiar to you . When that happens , and it is not often that it does in most cases , then it is probably a very good idea to take a mental note of what is also occurring at the same time or what is around you that is perhaps relevant to another part of your life , and you may find that you answer some questions that have been bothering you , and your higher self ( intuition ) has given you this advance clue so that you are aware to take notice .
There is often a mistaken idea that somebody who is a professional Medium / Clairvoyant / Psychic is somehow a ’ bove ’ or ‘ better ’ than everybody else , and the professional can sometimes be raised up to a position of some type of ‘ Guru ’ with ‘ followers ’ who hang on their every word . It is important to remember that sometimes , professionals can also be unethical people , and that they can encourage this behaviour because it gives them a place in the limelight and some form of ‘ star status ’. These unethical professionals will lead you to believe that because they are in direct contact with the spirit world that they have information that you do not have access to , or that they have been told by spirit the correct and only way to do a particular thing , which is deceitful and disrespectful to you , as an individual part of the generous universe with unlimited knowledge at your disposal . You will find , when you get back to basics with any good spiritual teacher , that you will be told that the answers lay within YOU , yes YOU . A medium / clairvoyant / psychic can put you in touch with your loved ones who are in spirit and pass on messages from them to give you validation that life goes on even after physical death . This is not necessarily easy for everybody to do ; however , given enough time , patience and practice most of us can achieve this in one way or another . First though , there is a need to find and get in touch with your higher self , and learn to trust the information that is passed over to you , then come your guides , whom you can also meet through the practice of meditation and eventually , when you have enough confidence in yourself and have worked hard enough with your guides to accept the information given you may find you have reached a level of experience whereby you can make contact with your own loved ones as well as the loved ones of others who have passed on from this earth realm . If you achieve this connection , you will realise that where spirit are concerned , it is not important for them to tell you where to find your hidden remote control , or which shop to go to in order to purchase the DVD that has been sold out everywhere else , this kind of information is something that you obtain from your own intuition or higher self , even if that means that you subconsciously access your memory banks as to where you last saw that remote control !!
Spirit would much rather pass on information to you that involves love and happiness , things that confirm that they are still around you and part of your everyday life . They will relay information as to how they like your new haircut , or that they saw you trying to change the car tire and that they were giggling at you as you got frustrated . If you are in a position of danger , you may get Angelic help without asking , you may find that you get a very clear verbal warning in your head , or you find yourself suddenly not standing in the same place as you were a second before when a heavy object comes crashing down that would have crushed you should you have still be standing there . This is how spirit interacts with us . In everything we do , we have free will ; we are the masters of our own lives and our own destinies . We are in the driving seat to discover our own way home , home to the universal whole . We are here on the earth plane to learn hard lessons as well as lessons such as love and compassion and understanding . Sometimes we can only learn the lessons of love and compassion by going through very difficult situations that push us to our limits , but if we accept situations to be what they are , and we allow and learn each lesson as it is presented , then we can move through these difficult situations from a place of love and light . There are many negative things that happen to us , we are human and we are expected to be emotional beings . Do not fight the anger , the hurt , or feelings of betrayal , anymore than you would fight love , happiness and a feeling of belonging , do not deny their existence as part of who you are . The secret is to accept these painful emotions as part of who you are but not to dwell on them , accept the emotion and allow yourself to experience it and then move forward to improve your own situation .
Do not allow anybody in the spiritual profession to tell you that “ This is how it is , this way is the only way ” as this is just not true . You cannot progress spiritually by following any individual on their path because it is their path and not your own . Your path is to be found in questioning everything that you are told or taught . Do not accept that something is truth because a very famous and well respected person has said that it is . Seek your own truth and build your own path to enlightenment and begin this by trusting yourself , your own intuition and accepting that you are a very powerful knowledgeable spiritual being . If your intuition tells you , or you have a ‘ gut ’ feeling about something , and then learn to trust that feeling , it will not lead you wrong .
Now everything that I have said in this article is what sits well with me and feels right in my soul , you do not have to agree with any of it and I invite and encourage you to do your own research into what feels right in your soul so that you can find your way to enlightenment sooner and feel the joy of discovery yourself .
© Stella Ware
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 49