Photo from: Adam Abdulraheem
Primary three school child showcasing his standing fan made from local source materials
AVI was established with the
aim to identify and respond to
community problems by find-
ing sustainable solutions to
them. Among their projects is
educating primary school chil-
dren on child abuse, personal
and environmental hygiene.
Moreover, they have organized
free information communica-
tion technology (ICT) training
for secondary school students
in Afon to make learning eas-
ier for them.
Together with AVI, Prikkle
Academy began its Collabora-
tive Community Development
project (CCD) which brought
together 30 young communi-
ty members in Afon to “drive
change within the community
by looking at what works in-
stead of what’s wrong.” The AVI
website states that the project
was established not only to talk
about the resources in Afon
but also mobilize it into tangi-
ble social solutions.
Before the organization’s
The run of the CCD project
introduction of the ABCD
approach, the initial view of has resulted into the develop-
AVI and Afon in general was ment of new projects by the
focused on what was missing participants.
in their community instead of
One participant, Adam Ab-
what they have.
dulraheem learned that from a
large population of farmers in
Afon, most spend their annual
income on inorganic fertilizer
that has negative effects on the
soil and threaten the health of
the people.
Futhermore, he found out
that despite the level of hunger
in his community, people still
managed to waste food. Tack-
ling these two issues at once, he
proposed the conversion of the
massive food waste in his com-
munity into organic fertilizer.
As a result, farmers will have
access to low-cost fertilizer to
produce safe food for the pop-
ulace while protecting the eco-