Champion Great Neighborhoods Newsletter FY24 Q4 August 2024 | Page 4

Block Party Trailer Drawing for 2024 National Night Out
Lucas Park Neighborhood is Three Tons Cleaner

Block Party Trailer Drawing for 2024 National Night Out

The City of Arlington ’ s Strategic Initiatives department is hosting a drawing for one lucky neighborhood to win the Block Party Trailer ( BPT ) for its National Night Out party on Tuesday , October 1 .
Residents interested in participating on behalf of their neighborhood are asked to fill out a short , online survey by September 8 , 2024 . One survey equals one entry , with no maximum limit on the number of entries a neighborhood can submit . The City will draw one winner at random on September 9 , 2024 . The BPT will be delivered by City staff to the winning neighborhood October 1 and will be picked up the following day .
As a reminder , any residential block party that will close a portion of a street requires City approval . To prepare for a National Night Out event , a neighborhood must register with the Arlington Police Department and apply for a street

Lucas Park Neighborhood is Three Tons Cleaner

An outpouring of appreciation was expressed by residents of the Lucas Park neighborhood when the Code Compliance Neighborhood Enhancement Team ( NET ) came to visit on Saturday , June 8 . Friendships were made and partnerships were built along with 3.05 tons ( 6,100 pounds ) of debris and waste hauled away . A total of six residential properties were assisted with cleanup by 15 amazing volunteers .
“ I have lived here for 40 years . I have never seen anything like this before in my area ,” said Wilton McLemmons . “ It is a wonderful program .” Another resident , on Wolff Drive stated , “ I ’ m going to cry ; I live alone and could have never done this by myself .”
The City ’ s tool sharing trailer was also at the event , with staff checking out 16 different tools to assist volunteers with the cleanup . “ I think it ’ s a great thing for all the neighbors to meet the city officials ,” said James McKenzie . “ Truly helps the neighborhood .”
The Block Party Trailer is available for free , year-round , on a firstcome , first-serve basis .
National Night Out , held the first Tuesday of October in Texas , promotes crime prevention , police-community partnership , and neighborhood camaraderie . It encourages people to turn on their porch lights , step outside , and get to know their neighbors at small block parties .
For more information , and to complete the survey visit www . arlingtontx . gov / neighborhoods .
Residents and volunteers helped clean up the Lucas Park neighborhood on June 8 .
Community partner volunteers are the heartbeat and success of NET . Special appreciation to City Council Member Long Pham , Arlington Hispanic Citizen Police Academy , Community Advocating for Prosperity and Opportunity ( CAPO ), Lowe ’ s of Arlington , Church of the Good Shepherd Methodist , and Todd Prather Contracting .
The NET initiative and the free mobile tool sharing program serve the entire Arlington community . Learn more at https :// arlingtontx . gov / tools .
East Colonial residents enjoy the Block Party Trailer during a neighborhood gathering .