Champion Great Neighborhoods Newsletter FY24 Q4 August 2024 | Page 3

Eight Properties Designated as Arlington Local Landmarks
Neighborhood Leadership Network Highlights City ’ s FY2025 Budget

Eight Properties Designated as Arlington Local Landmarks

On May 21 , the Arlington Landmark Preservation Commission ( LPC ) hosted a Local Marker Dedication Ceremony , and eight properties were designated as historic , acknowledging their role in the growth and development of Arlington ’ s past , present , and future .

Neighborhood Leadership Network Highlights City ’ s FY2025 Budget

City Manager Trey Yelverton was the guest speaker at the August 10 Neighborhood Leadership Network ( NLN ) meeting at City Council Chamber and presented a preview of the FY2025 budget and fiscal priorities for the coming year .
The Local Marker Program was established in 2009 to recognize properties that contribute to and honor the City of Arlington ’ s rich history and culture . A Local Landmark , approved by the LPC and City Council , is designated with a bronze medallion placed on the property in recognition of its historical significance . There are currently 52 Local Landmarks in the City of Arlington , including the following properties honored at the May ceremony :
Johnson Station Cemetery , 3217 S . Cooper Street David-Vandergriff House , 1216 W . Park Row Drive Upstairs Gallery , 1038 W . Abram Street Hollabaugh House , 402 N . Pecan Street Hartley House , 424 N . Pecan Street Latham-Hart House , 426 N . Pecan Street Steen House , 611 N . Center Street Lampe House , 301 Summit Avenue
More information on Arlington ’ s Local Marker Program can be found at www . arlingtontx . gov / landmark .
Arlington City Manager Trey Yelverton , NLN guest speaker , shared a preview of the FY2025 Budget and City Council Priorities with neighborhood leaders and residents .
Hosted by Strategic Initiatives , the NLN meets quarterly and provides informational resources and networking opportunities to empower leaders , strengthen neighborhoods , and achieve community-wide goals . Additional information can be found on the NLN website .
Roslyn DeHorney ( left ) accepts her Local Landmark medallions for three Pecan Street properties from LPC Chair Kristina Rumans ( middle ) and LPC Vice Chair Rodrick Penson ( right ).
Catherine Lovett , community affairs manager at Wing , discusses the company ’ s drone Walmart delivery in South Arlington . Click here for more information .
LPC Vice Chair Rodrick Penson ( left ) awards members of the Martin family ( right ) a Local Landmark medallion for the Upstairs Gallery on Abram Street .
Post-meeting networking at NLN .