CGD 218 All Assignments CGD 218 All Assignments | Page 8
your last name, use the Web to find at least one visual communication piece (e.g., a website, an
advertisement, a logo, etc.) that either exemplifies Bauhaus’ concept of design or does not.
Then, describe why.
Last Name:
A-L: Find a visual communication piece that exemplifies Bauhaus’ concept of design
M-Z: Find a visual communication piece that does not exemplify Bauhaus’ concept of design
CGD 218 Week 3 Assignment Using Photographs from
the Web(2 Papers)
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CGD 218 Week 3 Assignment Using Photographs from the Web
Using Photographs from the Web
Today more than ever, photographs and other visual media are at our fingertips. Whether it’s
through Google Images or Flickr, we have endless visual media available for us to use. Or, do
Watch the video Copyright Basics ( Then, in a 2- to 3-page
paper, examine the benefits and challenges associated with having so many visuals available to
us today. Describe the possible ethical and legal implications of using these photos, and explain
how these issues can be avoided.