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CGD 218 Week 3 DQ 1 Photography and Composition

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Photography and Composition
When considering magazines like National Geographic , or social media like Pinterest , it becomes evident that photography plays an instrumental role in visual communication . However , creating an impactful photograph is not always easy .
Your textbook explains the importance of design and composition in successful photography . For this discussion , locate a photograph ( either on the Web or in print ) that strategically uses at least three elements of design ( e . g ., balance , color , asymmetry , etc .). Then , paste a link to the photograph ( or , if it is in print , upload a scanned copy to the discussion forum or the web ), and explain which elements are utilized , and how they affect the overall impact and message of the photograph .
Possible Resources
13 Photographs That Changed the World ( http :// www . neatorama . com / 2007 / 01 / 02 / 13- photographs-that-changed-the-world /) Breaking News , Analysis , Politics , Blogs , News Photos , Video , Tech Reviews - TIME . com ( http :// www . time . com / time / photogallery / 0,29307,1631993,00 . html ) National Geographic Photo of the Day ( http :// photography . nationalgeographic . com / photography / photo-of-theday /? source = NavPhoPOD ) * Example :
Link to Photo : http :// photography . nationalgeographic . com / photography / photo-of-theday / svartifoss-waterfall-iceland /