CCMH 535 Experience Tradition/ CCMH 535 Experience Tradition/ | Page 12

instrument(s) and the scales that you would most closely examine and why. Discuss a minimum of three different instruments. In addition to interviewing Emily, who else might you consult with? Before concluding that Emily is in fact, clinically depressed, what other possibilities might you rule out? What other questions would you like to ask Emily and/or her family? What else would you like to know? Imagine that the results of your assessment suggest that Emily is experiencing depression. You schedule a meeting with Emily and her immediate family members to explain the results. What problem areas might you encounter during the feedback session? Discuss some of the ethical considerations and practice guidelines that you would you keep in mind when working with this client and her family. ========================================= CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Case of Gayle For more course tutorials visit How would you describe Gayle’s overall level of intelligence based on the CogAT scores? How would you describe her overall level of achievement based on her scores on the WJ III ACH? How would you interpret the comparison of Gayle’s CogAT scores to her WJ III ACH scores? How would you interpret Gayle’s scores SRBCSS on the Creativity and Musical subtests? Based on Gayle’s scores, she is not accepted into the gifted and talented program. Why was she not accepted? Write a letter to the Gifted Program Administrator appealing this decision. In your letter, make sure you reference all the relevant