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CCMH 535 Week 6 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
assessment about Gayle , including her academic grades , scores on the assessment instruments ( e . g ., WJ III ACH , CogAT , and the relevant SRBCSS subtest scores ) as well as any other evidence related to evidence related to creative , artistic , or music ability . =========================================

CCMH 535 Week 6 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

Week 6 1 . Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week .
2 . Which of the following statements about feedback sessions with parents is TRUE :
3 . Sally ’ s parents are upset about her performance on a battery of tests . The examiner explains to the parents that tests measure only a sample of behavior at a particular time , that scores are not fixed – they can go up or down from year to year , and that Sally ’ s score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the area measured by the particular tests . What important area of understanding does this particular discussion address ?
4 . The objective ( s ) of the written assessment report is to ?
5 . Within the context of writing assessment reports , the use of “ understandable language ” refers to ?
6 . What is the critical factor in the examinee ’ s acceptance of test results ?